Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens: October 18th

Welcome to Week Forty-Two of Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens! To see more details about Sweet Talk as well as previous posts, see the introduction post. Thanks to Charlene (Bookish Whimsy), for designing the banner and button for Sweet Talk.

Today, I'm featuring the authors and books publishing during the week of October 18th!

The Questions:

1. Describe your debut novel in sixteen words.
2. Pitch your book! For fans of _____, _____ meets _____, etc.
3. What are you working on now – is it related to your debut novel?

The Authors:

Cynthia Reeg, Author of From the Grave

1. Monster is as monster does. Misfit Frankenstein Frightface Gordon must prove he's monster enough.

2. Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book meets Monster Academy by Matt Forbeck. In a madcap monster world, misfits face extinction.

3. Yes, I'm working on #2 of the MONSTER OR DIE books, INTO THE SHADOWLANDS. More monster mayhem with Frank and his troll nemesis, Malcolm McNastee.

Follow Cynthia Reeg: Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

Jill Diamond, Author of Lou Lou and Pea and the Murder Mystery

1. Colorful and quirky neighborhood mystery about best friends, horticulture, candles, murals, and Día de los Muertos!

2. Ivy and Bean for older readers with Spanish and suspense. 

3. I am working on the second book in the Lou Lou and Pea series releasing in the winter of 2017!

Follow Jill Diamond: Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter
Find Lou Lou and Pea and the Murder Mystery: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository

The Books:


(Click on the covers to go to Goodreads!)

Other Sweet Sixteens Books Publishing This Week:


(Click on the covers to go to Goodreads!)

The Giveaway:

- Resurrecting Sunshine swag
- A Tail of Camelot necklaces
- Motley Education swag
- Finished copy of Fear the Drowning Deep
- Finished copy of The Haunted House Project
- ARC of The Weight of Zero
- Finished copy of From the Grave
- Finished copy of Lou Lou and Pea and the Mural Mystery


  1. From the Grave sounds so perfect for every kid and adults to remember what it's like to try to fit in. I'm excited to see Finding Perfect on this list--it's a must read for me because of the panic attacks.

  2. Both of these books sound great. It's wonderful to have exciting new books for kids to read!

  3. Aw, these look like cute reads. Not sure if they're for me, but I def love the covers!

  4. From the Grave actually looks like a cute book to me, despite the Halloween themed cover.

  5. Not books for me, but ohh, I do like those covers, I think :D As always, lovely post Alyssa. <3 Thank you for sharing about these :)


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