Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Best YA Standalone Novels of 2017

The Top Ten of 2017 event is hosted by Jaime from Two Chicks on Books, Rachel from Fiktshun, Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales,  Fallon from Seeing Double in Neverland, and the ladies from Take Me Away To A Great Read!

Today, I'm sharing my top ten favorite YA standalone novels of 2017!

(Note: I classify "standalone" as novels that have no sequels - whether direct, or companion.)

(Click on the covers to go to my reviews!)

The Giveaway:

Win one of THREE prizes! The first is one I've posted on Twitter -- win 12 YA books published during each month of 2017.

The second prize is a holiday-themed adult romance prize pack!

The third prize is a mystery box of books! This box could contain a mix of YA and adult books, ARCs and finished copies, paperbacks and hardcovers... basically I'm going to fill a box with books. All will be recently published or possibly to be published.

Open internationally. Ends January 6th. Good luck!


  1. I am delighted to see so many contemporaries on your list. I also adored Duels, Wesley James, The List, and Foolish Hearts. Other than KWest, I had never read anything by those authors, so I was delighted to find new authors to fangirl over. I still need to read the Buxbaum. I read her other three books and LOVED them. Hopefully my library gets it soon.

  2. I haven't read any of the books you featured but many of them are on my TBR list. Some of the best books I read this year: The Breakdown by B.A. Paris, The Child by Fiona Barton, and Emma In The Night by Wendy Walker.

    1. Oops, forgot to say that pack #1 would be my top choice. I like to share books with my teenage daughter.

  3. I loved Tangleweed and Brine by Deirdre Sullivan - my top read of the year! Am interested in the YA bundle please :D

  4. Duels and Deceptions and Foolish Hearts are on my list to try at some point. More and more, standalones have grown more attractive to me. I like getting the story wrapped up in one book.

  5. Violet Grenade was such an unexpected favorite, I was not anticipating the feelings I'd get from it <3

  6. I loved Foolish Hearts! I was so happy I was able to get to it by the end of the year. I actually started The Wood a while back but never was able to get into it. Now that I'm seeing it making people's list, I'm wondering if I just wasn't in the right mood..Great list, Alyssa! :)

  7. Yes! Love stand-alones! And love seeing Violet Grenade up there. That book was awesome.

  8. Ahh, so many contemporary books! You are awesome for reading and loving so many of those lately Alyssa :D Yay. <3 I read about 7 this year, I think, and only liked one of those. Gah. Not my genre, haha :) Lovely list sweetie. <3

  9. I haven't read any of these... but at least I have Violet Grenade on my Kindle. I really need to get around to that one. Sigh

  10. Oh my gosh I have The Wood but haven't read it yet, I need to! Love Life and the List looks fun too, as does the Buxbaum one.

  11. Great choices. I rarely read standalones but I really want to read a Kasie West book.

  12. Great picks! My choice for today was my favorite YA contemporaries. I read Violet Grenade, and while normally I love all of her books, that one didn't quite do it for me like the others had. It did win one of my top cover spots for the year though. You can check out my top 10 post today HERE.

  13. This year I've loved A Conjuring of Light, In Other Lands, Rick Riordan's new Magnus Chase and Apollo books, and many others.
    I think I'd like, in order of preference, Packs 3>1>2: I don't read a lot of romance (pack2), I don't know any of the books in pack1, and pack3 is very intriguing!

    Thanks for the - very interesting - giveaway :)

  14. Story of my life Alyssa! I swear you're a reading machine my friend. I did read What to Say Next and of course, Duels, which I adored :)

    Let's see, I read Princess of Thorns this year and LOVE it. I also loved Heartstone and Words in Deep Blue.

  15. I love standalones! I haven't read The Wood, but I do want to check it out.


  16. I haven't had the chance to read any of these yet but do have a few on my tbr list. The Wood is one I think I would like.

  17. Another great list but I have so many of these on my TBR list. Wesley James sounds like a great story (and the cover is fun).

  18. I didn't have much luck with YA this year, unfortunately. But it appears I might have just been reading all the wrong books! I don't think I've read any of these, but there were a few I really want to and just never got a chance to, including Black Bird of the Gallows and The Wood! Amazing list!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  19. Okay, so I've only read ONE of the books on your list, but so many of them are on my TBR! I loved Duels & Deception, too. Foolish Hearts; Love, Life, and the List; and Wesley James ruined my life are all books I want to get to soon!

  20. The Hate You Give & The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue were my best 2017 reads.

  21. Once & For All, By Your Side, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, and The Unlikelies were a few of my fave reads of 2017.

    1. And I'm most interested in the 12 YA books!

  22. I really enjoyed reading Replica by Lauren Oliver this year.

    I would love to win the 12 YA books or the Mystery box sounds exciting!


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