Saturday, March 31, 2018

Stacking the Shelves (#275)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, March 25th to Saturday, March 31st?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

All unsolicited - thank you, HarperCollins, PRH, and PSP!

Reviews from this week:

(Click on the cover to go to my review!)

Favorite Instagram post from this week:

A post shared by Alyssa (@theeaterofbooks) on

April is TOMORROW! It's honestly kind of crazy. Why is it still cold here? I'm ready for spring. Happy Easter!

Don't forget to enter my Twitter giveaway!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Review: Getaway Girl by Tessa Bailey

Getaway Girl by Tessa Bailey
Publication Date: March 26, 2018
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC provided by publicity company

Official Summary:

This unlikely getaway driver never expected to help the mayor escape…

After a six-year absence, Addison Potts is back in Charleston to stir things up. And what better place to make her villainous return than her estranged cousin’s wedding? Only, the nuptials hit a snag when the bride doesn’t show, leaving Addison to play getaway driver for the jilted groom. A groom whose heartbreaking smile and deep, southern drawl she should not be noticing…

Elijah Montgomery Du Pont is the future mayor of Charleston. From his military career to city hall, every detail of his life has been meticulously planned. Until now. His only respite from life’s sudden upheaval is Addison, his new, improbable best friend. She makes him happy. Grounds him. And public disapproval be damned, he’s not willing to give her up. But with an election on the line and public pressure rising, Addison—and the cruel hand of fate—might not give him a choice.

What I Liked:

Tessa Bailey's books and I go a long way back, starting with Officer Off Limits, which is still one of my favorites of hers and one of my favorite Entangled Brazen novels to date. Bailey's books always deliver the sexy, the sweet, the dirty, and the HEA. Getaway Girl is Bailey's second self-published novel and it is yet another hit for me!

Addison Potts is back in Charleston, after her grandmother died and left her a business to run. The book starts with Addison sneaking into her cousin's wedding - her prim, rich, golden-girl cousin is marrying the golden boy, mayor's son, future mayor himself. When Addison lays eyes on the groom, she knows there is something about this man. There is an instant heat, but that's her cousin's husband-to-be, right? Wrong. Naomi stands up Elijah, leaving Elijah alone in a church full of southerners who want to see a wedding. What's a guy to do? Leave. And what's a girl to do? Offer him a ride to get away, of course. Elijah and Addison strike up an unconventional friendship, with her offering him her home as a sanctuary, as friends. With Addison, Elijah feels comfort, home, and peace. With Elijah, Addison feels less adrift in Charleston. But friendship isn't what either of them want. With the election looming, Elijah can't afford another scandal, especially not the kind involving Addison Potts, who has a history of her own in Charleston. 

Addison is such a tough lady, and it was impossibly easy to like her. She is prickly at times, and she delivers honesty and bluntness with no games or sugar-coating. She has thick skin, especially with her family history in Charleston - she has to have thick skin. Addison also has a good heart; she opened her home to a stranger, seeing that he needed comfort and simplicity.

Elijah is such a southern gentleman, with the charm and the manners. He treats Addison like a proper lady, he doesn't curse (not aloud, anyway), he uses manners like "yes ma'am", and he thinks of everyone else first. He's the mayor's son and he is set to win the upcoming election and take his father's place. Elijah has always had a lot of expectations placed on him, and he handles them well, but sometimes expectations are overwhelming. Meeting Addison was the best thing for Elijah, because she showed him a much simpler and quiet life.

I love how the pair became friends, good friends, and learned to trust and be comfortable with each other. It's so rare that you see two characters grow as friends first, before becoming more. Usually they're already friends, or they meet and start dating soon after. This was cute because they drew the line on their first meeting - they were going to be friends and no more. With Elijah just having been jilted at his wedding, and with his spotless reputation, they couldn't afford to be seen as anything more than friends. I liked this development of the relationship - it's friends to lovers, but from the very beginning of the friendship.

When things finally cross over to the "more-than-friends" side... whew! It got hot really quickly. Don't get me wrong - Elijah and Addison were both attracted to each other from the start. But they didn't act on their attraction. But when they do, there are fireworks and thunder. They have great chemistry and all that bottled-up tension explodes on the page. Bailey always writes really hot romances and steamy sexy times. She has become more inventive and creative with each book. The heroine is a dirty talker, and the hero is a selfless guy who likes to please his lady. It's a good match!

There is much more to this story than the romance - in fact, the romance is on par with the "other" plot. Elijah's election is probably the biggest part of the story, as it dictates a lot of Elijah and Addison's relationship. With her history (which I won't talk about), and the fact that Elijah just got stood up at the altar, they have to be careful. Addison's family history comes up and that's another big part of the story. But everything comes together in the end, romance included.

The ending is a wonderful HEA! Addison gets resolution in terms of some personal things, Elijah finds balance in his life, and the pair figure out how to make things work for them. I love a good ending that involves both characters waking up. 

This is a fantastic self-published contemporary romance novel that is satisfying and engrossing from start to finish. With a unique plot and lush backdrop, Getaway Girl is a novel that I'll be rereading in the future. I'm always down for more Bailey romances!

What I Did Not Like:

Nothing specific comes to mind!

Would I Recommend It:

If you like steamy adult contemporary romance novels, this is definitely one for you. I'd recommend any of Bailey's books, but I will say that her books have gotten steamier and steamier, with each one she writes. Some may not work for everyone; this one involved a dirty-talking heroine, and a selfless hero who had minor alpha tendencies. It's a friends-to-lovers, slow-burn, high-tension, chemistry-filled romance that really delivers when the sexy times kick in. I recommend it!


4 stars. I didn't really care for Naomi, BUT I think it would be so cool to read her story. Where did she go for two months? What was she doing? Better yet - let's see the aftermath of the two months, with her back in town and Elijah/Addison already together and squared away. It would be cool to see her find love, especially since there were no hard feelings between her and Elijah. Anyway, I also wouldn't mind this book being a complete standalone, so there's that!

Was this review helpful? Please let me know in the comments section!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Swoon Thursday (#270): Suitors and Sabotage by Cindy Anstey

- From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering

- Try to make the swoon excerpt 140 characters (or less), if you are going to tweet about it. Use the hashtag #YABOUND when tweeting

This week, my swoon is from Suitors and Sabotage by Cindy Anstey!

"Beyond a shadow of a doubt," Imogene said, reveling in the freedom wrought by exposing her feelings. She lifted her hand, touching his lips lightly for a moment. They were soft and inviting, and she could think of nothing else other than how it might feel to press his lips to hers. So tantalizingly soft. They lured her closer.

But Be had not spoken further. She waited for an eon of seconds.

He did not lean away; he did not back away; he did not run from the room screaming. All was well... Better than well, for the look of astonishment had changed. There was something compelling about the way his eyes dropped to her mouth. Something that made her heart beat at an impossible rate, made her want to wrap her arms around him.

Then he smiled.

And the world righted on its axis. 

Leaning toward her, with his eyes glued to her mouth, Ben paused. Imogene could feel his breath on her face; they were within kissing distance... but not touching. She ached with anticipation. Why was he waiting?

"I love you, too," he said, finally placing his mouth on hers.

Fire shot through Imogene's veins, and she wrapped her arms around Ben's neck, standing on her toes, pressing every part of her body against his. His kiss deepened, and the world disappeared. All that existed was the ecstasy of their entangled hearts, minds, and bodies. She hummed in pleasure as Ben kissed his way down her neck and then back up to her mouth. All too soon, he pulled away, but not far. She was still in his arms, his mouth ready to continue its exploration. 

- ARC, page 213

I loved this book! I read it back in February and reviewed it already, but as its publication date is coming up, I thought I'd share a swoony excerpt. If you haven't checked out Anstey's books, I recommend doing so!

Release Week Promo: Getaway Girl by Tessa Bailey

Good morning, book-loving fam! Today I'm promoting a brand-new publication by Tessa Bailey - Getaway Girl! This is a self-published standalone and I absolutely loved it. It's an opposites-attract, friends-to-lovers, fiery-hot romance novel that will make you swoon and fan yourself. Read all about it below!

About the Book:

Getaway Girl by Tessa Bailey
Publication Date: March 26, 2018

Official Summary:

This unlikely getaway driver never expected to help the mayor escape…

After a six-year absence, Addison Potts is back in Charleston to stir things up. And what better place to make her villainous return than her estranged cousin’s wedding? Only, the nuptials hit a snag when the bride doesn’t show, leaving Addison to play getaway driver for the jilted groom. A groom whose heartbreaking smile and deep, southern drawl she should not be noticing…

Elijah Montgomery Du Pont is the future mayor of Charleston. From his military career to city hall, every detail of his life has been meticulously planned. Until now. His only respite from life’s sudden upheaval is Addison, his new, improbable best friend. She makes him happy. Grounds him. And public disapproval be damned, he’s not willing to give her up. But with an election on the line and public pressure rising, Addison—and the cruel hand of fate—might not give him a choice.

About the Author:

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of ten years and six-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

The Excerpt:

“Well…” I stop to clear the rasp from my voice. “If there’s no picture of us together, we should take one.”
“Good idea.” He crooks his finger at me, unwittingly sealing his fate. “Come here.”
I put my jacket on downstairs when I thought we were leaving, but I take it off now, simply letting it fall. “I want you in the mayor’s chair.”
His eyes stray to my pooled jacket, then tick to mine. “You what?”
“In the picture. I want you sitting in the chair.”
“Oh. Right.” He slides out the brown leather, high-back executive chair and drops into it. “What about you?”
My bravery slips. Whose wouldn’t? This powerful, gorgeous man sits before me, outlined by the city he’s been elected to run. His thighs are thicker than my waist, his sleeves caught up around his elbows. A strong man. A man of conviction who will not be seduced unless he really wants to be.
Or is driven out of his mind and can’t resist.
Before I can second-guess myself, I move between his outstretched thighs and ease myself onto his lap. “Addison.”
I send him an innocent look over my shoulder. “Yes, Captain?”
His chest rises and falls. Once. Twice. “Take the picture.”
The fact that I’m playing with fire stops psyching me out…and begins to excite me. Maybe it’s the gravel in his tone…or the big fists that come to rest on the desk. No…it’s definitely the way he presses his nose to my hair and inhales. As if I’m not going to notice. But I do. I do and it makes me braver. Makes me throb between my legs.
“The picture, Addison.”
“Sorry.” I lean across the desk where I set my purse, taking my time digging through to find my cell before pulling it out, searching for the camera app. All the while, his muscles bunch beneath me, harder and harder…and that’s when I feel it. His erection lifts under my backside, so thick and glorious, I bite my lip to stop from crying out. I want to, though. I want to sob at the proof that he’s physically attracted to me and at least I have that much.
My hands are shaking as I lift the camera, my instincts screaming at me to grind down. Elijah’s breath is pelting the back of my neck. Other than that he’s completely still, though. But when I flip the camera around to selfie mode and get my first look at his face, there isn’t a jury on the planet that would rule him unaffected. His eyes are closed, nostrils flared, mouth open against my hair. “You’ve got five seconds,” he says. “Take it, or—”

“Or what?” Elijah stands up and takes me with him, my ass pressed to his lap, feet dangling off the ground. As if I weigh nothing more than a child. It only lasts for a couple mind-blowing seconds, though, before he settles me on the ground behind his desk. His heat begins to leave me and I sense my chance slipping away, so I twist around to face him. Still mere inches away from me, he pauses with his head tipped forward, hands flexing at his sides. “We could be more than friends.” After easing myself backwards onto the desk, I snag his necktie and tug him closer, guiding his hips between my open thighs. “Just for tonight.”
His laugh is more like a rough expulsion of air, the scent of bourbon hitting me. “That’s not how things work,” he says, his palms scraping up my thighs, twisting in the hem of my dress. “Goddammit, Addison. You’re not supposed to tempt me like this.”
Tempted. He’s tempted. My blood cells crash together. “I don’t always do what I’m supposed to,” I murmur, leaning up to bring our mouths close, a breath separating them. “If I wasn’t your friend, would you kiss me right now?”
His eyes fasten on my mouth, seeming darker than usual. Predatory. “You felt what you did to my cock, sugar. You know the answer to that.”

Read my review of Getaway Girl tomorrow! Spoiler alert: I loved the book. =)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday (#274): Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, I'm featuring:

Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Publication Date: July 3, 2018

Summary (from Goodreads):

In the war against the Forces of Darkness, the Royals are losing. Princess Ivy is determined to end this centuries-long conflict once and for all, so her new battle partner must succeed where the others failed. Prince Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword, enhanced by Ivy’s magic Kiss, should make them an unstoppable pair—but try convincing Zach of that.

Prince Zach has spent his life preparing for battle, but he would rather be branded a heretic than use his lips as nothing more than a way to transfer magic. A kiss is a symbol of love, and love is the most powerful weapon they have—but try convincing Ivy of that.

With the fate of their world on the line, the battlefield has become a testing ground, and only one of them can be right. Falling for each other wasn’t part of the plan—but try convincing their hearts of that.

This sounds pretty interesting, and the cover is lovely! Entangled Teen has published some great YA fantasy novels in the last year or two, and I'm excited about this new one!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday (7)

Happy Tuesday! Today I've decided to participate in Top Ten Tuesday, formerly hosted by Jamie at The Broke and the Bookish, now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

Today's topic is: 

Books That Take Place In Another Country


I could have chosen ten fantasy novels set in fantasy worlds, but surprisingly, it was very easy to come up with ten novels set in other (real) countries! These are among my favorites, though I have others that I loved. The majority on this list are in Europe (England, France, Scotland, etc.). I'd love recommendations set in countries of other continents!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Welcome to the blog tour for Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff! Today I'll be sharing my thoughts on the book, plus a fun giveaway. Enjoy!

About the Book:

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Book Three of the Illuminae Files series
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: March 13, 2018
Rating: 4 stars
Source: Review copy sent by the publisher

Official Summary:

Kady, Ezra, Hanna, and Nik narrowly escaped with their lives from the attacks on Heimdall station and now find themselves crammed with 2,000 refugees on the container ship, Mao. With the jump station destroyed and their resources scarce, the only option is to return to Kerenza—but who knows what they'll find seven months after the invasion? 

Meanwhile, Kady's cousin, Asha, survived the initial BeiTech assault and has joined Kerenza's ragtag underground resistance. When Rhys—an old flame from Asha's past—reappears on Kerenza, the two find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. 

With time running out, a final battle will be waged on land and in space, heroes will fall, and hearts will be broken.

My Review:

Note: I am going to do a somewhat abbreviated review for this blog tour post! I started writing my usual lengthy review and realized that I was crossing into spoiler territory. I'm going to wait to post my full-length review until a month or two after publication date - definitely not for a blog tour. But you'll definitely get the vibe of my excitement for this conclusion from this short review!

Obsidio is the third and final novel in the Illuminae Files series. Just like Illimunae and Gemina, this book is written in a nontraditional type of narrative, including transcripts, notes, files, documents, entries, etc. This book follows Asha Grant (Kady's cousin) and Rhys Lindstrom (a BeiTech Specialist). There are plenty of cameos of Kady, Ezra, Nik, and Hanna.

In fact, this book is sort of written with two different (concurrent) plots; one plot follows Asha and Rhys on Kerenza, in which Asha works at a hospital as a pharmaceutical intern, and Rhys is brought in from orbit as some sort of Specialist (I've already forgotten, don't judge me). The other plot follows Ezra, Kady, Nik, and Hanna on a ship called the Mao, which combined forces with the passengers of the Hypatia. They are heading towards Kerenza for the final showdown.

I was not expecting the dual plots, but it was very cool to watch unfold! I had wondered how the previous four protagonists would show up in the final novel, and they certainly did, in a big way. As did Asha and Rhys, the "new" protagonists.

I won't say much more on the plot - you'll have to read the book! You'll have to see for yourself how things play out, how AIDAN is a factor, how the teens take on BeiTech. I will say that it was not difficult to get back into the story, even though I read Gemina ages ago, in the pre-pub ARC stage. The authors have a way of bringing you back into the action without you needing to reread the previous books. Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with rereading them!

On the romance: it's a second-chance type of romance, which isn't my favorite. Asha and Rhys had a wild, fun, addictive romance back in the day (when they were sixteen or so), and then Asha's parents caught them, and Asha was forbidden to see Rhys, and Rhys was sent to military school. Three (ish?) years later, they meet again, but this time, they seen to be on opposite sides of the war, with Rhys working for BeiTech, and Asha siding with the resistance. How's that for a romance? You'll have to see how things went. Again, second-chance romances aren't something I usually enjoy, but that didn't necessarily mean I didn't like this romance.

Obsidio is an action-packed, page-turning, mind-numbing conclusion novel that will have you on the edge of your seat and glued to the pages. It comes in at a whopping 615 pages, but that'll feel like nothing when you start reading. I'm a little sad that the series is over, but definitely ready to see what else this dynamic duo writes!

The Series:

(Click on the covers for more information!)

About the Authors:

Amie Kaufman is the New York Times bestselling co-author of These Broken Stars and This Shattered World, and Illuminae, the first in a new series starting in 2015. She writes science fiction and fantasy for teens, and her favourite procrastination techniques involve chocolate, baking, sailing, excellent books and TV, plotting and executing overseas travel, and napping.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband, their rescue dog, and her considerable library. She is represented by Tracey Adams of Adams Literary.

Jay Kristoff is the award-winning author of THE LOTUS WAR trilogy, a Japanese-inspired steampunk fantasy. Part 3, ENDSINGER, is out now. He's also co-author of the upcoming ILLUMINAE (with Amie Kaufman), a YA Sci-Fi... thing, to be released by Knopf/Random House in 2015, and NEVERNIGHT, the first part of a new fantasy trilogy kicking off in 2016.

Jay is 6’7 and has approximately 13380 days to live. He abides in Melbourne with his secret agent kung-fu assassin wife, and the world’s laziest Jack Russell.

He does not believe in happy endings.

The Giveaway:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of Obsidio, US Only.

Follow the tour:

Week One:
3/1/2018- Two Chicks on Books- Review
3/2/2018- YA Bibliophile- Review

Week Two:
3/5/2018- Mary Had a Little Book Blog- Review
3/6/2018- BookHounds YA- Review
3/7/2018- Novel Novice- Review
3/8/2018- Adventures of a Book Junkie- Review
3/9/2018- Feed Your Fiction Addiction- Review

Week Three:
3/12/2018- Fiction Fare- Review
3/13/2018- The Young Folks- Review
3/14/2018- A Dream Within A Dream- Review
3/15/2018- The Book Nut- Review
3/16/2018- Tales of the Ravenous Reader- Review

Week Four:
3/19/2018- StuckInBooks- Review
3/20/2018- PaperTrailYA- Review
3/21/2018- Nerdophiles- Review
3/22/2018- Owl Always Be Reading- Review
3/23/2018- YA Books Central- Excerpt

Week Five:
3/26/2018- The Eater of Books!- Review
3/27/2018- Page Turners Blog- Review
3/28/2018- Book Briefs- Review
3/29/2018- Emily Reads Everything- Review
3/30/2018- Mundie Moms- Review

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Review: Blood Veil by Megan Erickson

Blood Veil by Megan Erickson
Book Two of the Mission series
Publisher: Loveswept
Publication Date: April 3, 2018
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from NetGalley

Summary (from Goodreads):

In the midst of supernatural chaos, worlds and hearts collide.

Celia: Having never known my parents, I’ve always felt like an orphan. All I want is a normal life. But after I’m attacked in my bedroom by one vampire—and rescued by another—it’s about time to give up on “normal” once and for all. Idris, the second in command of the Gregorie vampire clan, has come to my aid, but his motives for saving me are unclear. And what surprises me most is my attraction to his heated gaze. . . .

Idris: Terror. Curiosity. Arousal. These are the natural impulses of a human female, not the spawn of the ruthless Valarian king. Is it possible that Celia is unaware of her bloodline—and the power coursing through her veins? As the daughter of my archenemy, she was supposed to be my ransom. But how quickly the heat of desire changes everything. Now the family Celia has always craved is trying to kill her, and it’s up to me to save her again—when all I really want to do is make her mine.

What I Liked:

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm kind of excited about vampires being "in" again. Ten years ago (or more than that), everyone was sick and tired of vampires and werewolves and all that - myself included. But I'm ready for more vampire novels, especially in romance! Thank goodness there is a great author behind this series. I already love Erickson's books, and this series has been going really well for me.

This is the second book in the Mission series, and a companion to the first book. Idris, the younger Gregorie brother, is bent on revenge. He plans to use the Valarian king's daughter as a pawn in his plan to take out the king. But Athan (the Gregorie king and Idris's older brother) wants the Valarian princess safe and unharmed while negotiations are in place. Unfortunately for Celia (who doesn't even know that vampires exist, let alone that she's half-vampire), life is not turning out the way she thought. One minute she's sleeping, the next minute there is a creature in her bathroom. She is almost killed by one supernatural being, only to be rescued by another. Idris thought he could use Celia in his schemes, but he didn't expect to fall for her.

I felt so bad for Idris in Blood Guard, with everything that he had to deal with, and all the changes that came about towards the end of that book. Idris is a complicated guy with a lot of loneliness and a loss of purpose. He is honing in on revenge because his purpose is gone. But while Idris is a strategic mastermind and a man set on the course of revenge, he is also very loyal and protective. He wants more in life but he is also stalled, and doesn't know where to go. He's a good guy, despite his armor and stony facade.

I adored Celia, and maybe for reasons that others might not like her. She is a nurse, a kind soul, a gentle person who cares with her whole heart and is so sweet. She is a selfless, giving woman, and I loved that her gentleness was a perfect foil to Idris's hardness. Celia is NOT weak, but she has a quiet strength. She isn't some sort of kickbutt warrior queen - but she is strong in other ways. Her strength is in her selflessness and her good heart.

As a pair, Idris and Celia really worked. It took some time for each of them to trust each other - which makes sense, since Idris saved Celia's life and then took her away from her home (for her safety of course - but still). Celia was scared and cautious at first, but she began to trust him with every time he saved her life, and every time he showed his softer sides. And Idris... Idris spent his entire life being lonely, not having that sense of connection and love with anyone. Both of them have a lot of caution when it comes to loving someone else, and both of them fit the other really well. There was a slow build of trust and a slow build of feelings, but the chemistry was always there. I didn't see Stockholm Syndrome in this romance.

As always, Erickson wrote some great chemistry and tension, and this book was fairly steamy! Her books are always spot-on when it comes to chemistry, so I expected no less. 

This novel isn't just a romance - there is a lot of vampire politics in play. Athan is very present in this book, what with him being Gregorie king and all, and Celia being the Valarian king's daughter (and a very important piece to a puzzle that Idris is trying to understand). We also get to see Tendra (Athan's queen), though less so than Athan. Politics are very important in this book, and certain events take the series even further than Blood Guard. I'm curious to see how the overall plot (the vampire politics and wars and peace settlements with humans) will shake out.

I hope there will be a book three! I don't know who the protagonist would be, but I can hope.

What I Did Not Like:

I can't really think of anything specific at the moment. I enjoyed this book!

Would I Recommend It:

If you like adult paranormal romance, this is a great series to read! I was wanting to read a vampire romance novel last year and lo and behold, Erickson had Blood Guard ready to be published. That book and Blood Veil are excellent! Very steamy, very intriguing paranormal romance novels. 


4 stars. I really hope there will be a book three! Erickson cannot stop the series here! While each book is a companion novel following a different pair of characters, the overall plot connects the books, and I want to see where things will go. Keep writing, Megan!

Was this review helpful? Please let me know in the comments section!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Stacking the Shelves (#274)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, March 18th to Saturday, March 24th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

Both unsolicited, but always welcome! Thank you, HarperCollins!

From NetGalley:

Apparently this book is compared to Graceling, and y'all know how obsessed I am with Graceling/Fire, so I'll give this debut a chance!

Reviews from this week:

(Click on the cover to go to my review!)

Favorite Instagram post from this week:

A post shared by Alyssa (@theeaterofbooks) on

That was my week in books!We finally had a snow day on Wednesday, so I stayed home and I was surprisingly very productive! It was a good week overall - I felt like I got a lot of things organized and updated, which always makes me happy. =)

Enter my giveaway on Twitter, if you're so inclined!

Friday, March 23, 2018

My Favorite Adult Books: Alphabet Style!

Hey friends! Today is another day in which I didn't feel like writing/posting a review, but did feel like posting something... so I'm doing another favorites post! You can check out my favorite Jane-Austen-Inspired YA books HERE, favorite YA foreign editions posts HERE, favorite YA books (alphabet style) HERE, favorite YA books with one-word titles HERE, and favorite swoons from YA books HERE.

Here are some of my favorite adult books, based on the first letter of the title! One per letter of the alphabet. Ready?

Note: this isn't a definitive list! Some letters, like "T", have a lot of titles and a lot of favorites.

Animal Attraction (Hot in Hollywood, #2)

Animal Attraction by Katee Robert

Beautiful Lawman by Sophie Jordan

Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck

Destined for a King by Ashlyn Macnamara

Even the Score by Kate Meader

Forbidden Promises by Katee Robert

Gentlemen Prefer Mischief by Emily Greenwood

Highland Spitfire by Mary Wine

It Started with a Scandal by Julie Anne Long

(I have no "J" favorites! On to K...)
(I have no "K" favorites! On to L...)

Love and Other Scandals by Caroline Linden

Mine by HelenKay Dimon

Notorious Pleasures (Maiden Lane, #2)

Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt

Outlaw: The Complete Novel (Harrison Street Crew #2)

Outlaw by Katana Collins

Private Practice by Samanthe Beck

(I have no "Q" favorites! On to R...)

Rough Rhythm by Tessa Bailey

Sins of a Wicked Princess by Anna Randol

Time Served by Julianna Keyes

Under the Wire by HelenKay Dimon

(I have no "V" favorites! On to W...)

When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare

(I have no "X" favorites! On to Y...)
(I have no "Y" favorites! On to Z...)

Zero Hour by Megan Erickson

As you can see, I need J, K, Q, V, X, and Y recommendations! There are a few books that start with "The" (like The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lane) that would technically count, but I'd prefer a genuine alphabet (and not library style). If you have any recommendations (regardless of the letter), send them my way!