
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tis the Season Book Tag!

Hello all! This is my post for the "Tis the Season" book tag. I was tagged by Pili from In Love with Handmade.

(All pictures link to my reviews!)

1. Do you have a favorite winter read?

Hmm, this "winter" I've loved several novels:


2. Find a book with blue on the cover!

That I've read during this winter so far? 

3. Find a book you'd use as the star on the Christmas tree.

Not one I've read recently but...

4. Pick one fictional place that would be perfect for a winter vacation!

Probably Kanin! In Frostfire by Amanda Hocking.

5.  Pick one fictional character you’d take with you on your winter vacation!

Probably Jude, from Black Ice. He can "kidnap" me any day ;)

6. Name one book on your wish list this year!

HAHAHAHA. I have a "What I Am Looking Forward to Reading in 2015" post coming up on Thursday... similar to my 2014 one. This one is a sneak peek. I cannot wait to read (and own):


7. Favorite holiday drink, treat, & movie?

Drink: sorrel (a Trinidadian beverage that my mom makes every Christmas)
Movie: It's a Wonderful Life (my parents and I watch it every year!)

And that's that! I'm not going to specifically tag anyone, but Liza, Danielle, Alreem, Kel, if you want to do this, go for it! :D


  1. Snowball cookies!! Om nom nom! And the sorrel sounds very yummy (google search for the win!).
    Thank you for doing the tag Alyssa! =D

    1. Both are excellent! You're very welcome - thank you for tagging me!

  2. Yay! Awesome post Alyssa. <3 Sigh. Lots of awesome details about you, hih :) And yessss. The Burning Sky would make an awesome Christmas tree star :D Such a gorgeous cover. <3 And Invaded. Sigh. I loved it too :) Thank you for sharing sweetie. <3

    1. Heh! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! You're very welcome!


I love comments! I will always try and reply to your comments, as well as leave some comment love on your blog! :)

Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!