
Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday Muse (16)

Hey fam! Happy Monday! Or something - are Mondays ever really happy? Let's change that! Today I'm sharing another Monday Muse post, which features my hobbies other than reading.

Happy MLKJ Day! Martin Luther King, Jr. was (and still is) such an important figure in United States history, and I'm honored to celebrate the day in his honor. We are still fighting hard for equal rights, but the fight would be nowhere without Dr. King.

In coloring news, I haven't colored in my new Johanna Basford planner at all! I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but it hasn't been a great start to the year in terms of coloring. Hopefully this week!

In book news, I am SO EXCITED to tell you all that I have read my first book of 2019! And I loved it! Wrong Bed, Right Roommate by Rebecca Brooks was fantastic.

You can check out my review HERE, and a steamy excerpt HERE.

I'm working on this one right now:

Pan (a Neverland novel Book 1)

Also in book news - I finally posted something new on my bookish Instagram, theeaterofbooks!

Preorder Bloodwitch! Read Bloodwitch! I still need to read it, but I've preordered it. I want those buttons (in addition to getting a hardcover for more collection)!

In photography news, I've bought that photography class on Udemy! It's a lot to take in, so I'll be slowly working my way through that over the next few weeks. 

Here are some of my recent sunrise photos!

Baltimore; January 16th, 2019.

Baltimore; January 17th, 2019.

And in vacation news, I was in southwest Florida from January 12th to January 14th! Here are some very brief highlights. Go to my personal Instagram - @alyssasadventuresinwonderland - for more gorgeous photos!

Centennial Park

Manatee Park

Manatee Park

Siesta Key

Longboat Key

Sanibel Island

Finally, I have to share this song I've been introduced to. I loooove this song. I'm obsessed!


  1. Great post darling. I didn't know about a Johanna Basford calendar, will look that I up. I own all of her books!!They are the best illustrations to color in for sure.



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  3. YAY for taking so many pictures :D You are awesome Alyssa. <3 And they all look so gorgeous. Sigh. And yay for having read your first book of 2019 :D (Hoping you have managed to read more. <3 But it is also no rush at all to read. Hugs.)


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