
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 2015: Have You Seen This?

Have YOU seen this new feature, by Brittany and Andi? These ladies are helping bloggers find ARCs that they want to add to their collections of books! Go to their blogs for more information.

I'm going to keep this really short and sweet (mostly because I'm super busy but I wanted this post to go up). Here are the ARCs I'm looking for:

- Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers (ARC)
- Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong (ARC)
- This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (ARC)* TRADE PENDING
- The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski (ARC) TRADE PENDING

*NOT the bound manuscript, but the ARC with the cover!

I've got plenty of "older" ARCs (and newer ones), as well as other formats of books (hardcover, paperback) that I'm willing to trade. Please note that I can only ship within the USA right now (I'll let you all know if that changes). I'm also only looking for USA ARC editions (no international ones please)!

Contact me, via email or Twitter or something. And thank you! 


  1. lovely feature, so helpful thanks for sharing :D

  2. What a neat idea! ARC exchange program is a nice solution for old ARCs just lying around.

    1. Right?! Brilliant! So smart of these ladies :D

  3. Awesome post Alyssa. <3 Fingers crossed you will find these amazing books :D I don't have any of them to share with you :\ hugs. <3

    1. And to you as well! That's totally okay, I have none of yours to trade :o Good luck!


I love comments! I will always try and reply to your comments, as well as leave some comment love on your blog! :)

Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!