
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Look at 2014: Statistics and Numbers

Hello there! Happy New Year's Eve!

Like last year, I'd like to share my end-of-the-year statistics roundup with you all. 2013 was a great year, and 2014 was an even better year, in terms of blogging (in terms of life, not so much).

Here are some numbers and data:

- Total Pageviews: roughly 324,000 (since December 2012)
- Total blog followers (does not include Twitter, Facebook, or Goodreads): 4861
   - GFC: 1077
   - Bloglovin: 1581
   - Email/RSS: 457
   - Linky: 363
   - Pinterest: 380
   - Tumblr: 215
   - Google Plus: 788
- Goodreads friends/fans: 980
- Twitter: 1,775
- Facebook: 2,438
- Number of reviews in 2014: 211
- Number of 1-star reviews: 7
- Number of 2-star reviews: 19
- Number of 3-star reviews: 41
- Number of 4-star reviews: 127
- Number of 5-star reviews: 17
- Average rating: 3.61
- Total books read in 2014: 211
- Total number of published posts in 2014: 513
- Days missed in publishing a post: 0 (since the December 2012)

(Feel free to compare these to last's year statistics.)

Data for Books read/reviewed in 2014:

(I did this via Excel - I kept a spreadsheet throughout the year. It made it easier to put the data together and make charts and things.)

(In number of books, totaling 211.)

(In number of books, totaling 211.)

(In number of books, totaling 211.)

(In number of books, totaling 211.)

(In percent, totaling 100%.)

(In number of books, totaling 211.)

(In percent, totaling 100%.)

What this tells me: 

- Age Level: I obviously like reading YA books.
- Dominant Genre: no surprise that fantasy takes the top spot... but contemporary in second?! Since attending college, I've found SOME contemporary novels more agreeable than usual...
- Number in Series: I read a lot of "first" and "standalone" novels... but hey, I completed a lot of series, too :D
- Publisher: HEY THERE, HARPERCOLLINS! This only includes the TEEN imprints, like HarperTeen, Balzer+Bray, Katherine Tegen, etc. Notice that I put Avon in its own category. But Avon is an (adult) imprint of HarperCollins.
- Rating: Wheeeeee, four stars. But I had more two-star ratings than last year, and less five-star ratings.
- Source: Publishers sent me more physical ARCs this year (thank you!), but Edelweiss and NetGalley are getting a lot of love too. Basically, I read a lot of review books.
- Year of Publication: 2014 dominated, in terms of pub year reads. As if should have.


  1. I love looking at this sort of thing at the end and seeing what it says. Impressive number of daily posts and I love that most of what you read is 4 star quality. None of your stats really surprised me after visiting your blog off and on.

    1. This is one of my favorite year-end wrap-up type of posts! I get to show my nerdy self lol. Thank you so so so much for all of your support, Sophia!

  2. Oh my goodness!! Look at all those pie charts! Girl, this was a lot of work that I would have never done myself... YOU ARE AWESOME!! Hooray for so many awesome stats!!

    Cheers to an equally good (or better) 2015 in blogging terms and muuuuuch better in the personal side!!

    1. Teehee! I loved doing this post! Definitely going to keep doing it. Thank you so much!

      I hope so too - and I hope the same for you! <333

  3. YAY :D I adore this post Alyssa. So many stats! And so many followers.. SOBS. I am all kinds of jealous, lol :) But you are amazing, so I totally get why so many follow you. <3 Thank you so much for sharing about this :) Heeeh. I might have rated A LOT of books with 5 stars. But still read TEN 1 star books :( and thirteen 2 stars. Sad face. Will read more amazing books in 2015, hih :) Happy New Year sweetie. <3

    1. Don't be! You are an amazing blogger and wonderful person. And I wouldn't fret about the one- or two-star ratings - you and I are very, VERY honest in our ratings and reviews. Not a bad thing at all!

      Happy New Year to you too, Carina!

  4. I love the pie charts! And it's really cool to see how all those books add up and break down. I may have to keep a spreadsheet for 2015 so I can see all the pretty numbers. Great post!

    1. Right!? In the end, all the effort is worth it because IT LOOKS SO NICE AS GRAPHS AND THINGS :D In my opinion. And I thought the spreadsheet was a nice way to do things, throughout the year! Definitely keeping that habit.

      Thank you, Kel!

  5. Look at all those contemporary books you read! I bet the number will probably be higher next year :)

    1. I swear, college have changed me. I love fantasy, but DANG, THOSE CONTEMPORARY NOVELS. It's mostly contemporary romance ;D

  6. Wow! You're crazy thorough and everything's so impressive!! I'm sure your 2015 will be just as amazing if not more :)

    1. Teehee! All in a good day's work. A good year's work, perhaps ;) I hope so too - and the same for you, Eileen!


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Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!