
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday (35)

Happy Tuesday! Today I've decided to participate in Top Ten Tuesday, formerly hosted by Jamie at The Broke and the Bookish, now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

Today's topic is:

Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019


This doesn't even scratch the surface, but here are ten books I'll be reading in the first half of the year!


  1. Ooh nice! Rage made my list too!! The Wicked King, Bloodwitch, and Sherwood are ones I am looking forward to too! A Curse So Dark and Lonely was a really good read too! I loved it! Hope you love these once you get to read them!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Look at all those pretty covers.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  3. LOL, yeah, a list of ten really doesn't cover them all. I'm looking forward to Courting Darkness, too.

  4. YAY for being excited about these books :D I loved Courting Darkness so so much. <3 And The Deceivers too :) Did not love Sherwood. Ahhh. Happy reading Alyssa. <3


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