
Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday Muse (17)

Hey fam! Happy Monday! Or something - are Mondays ever really happy? Let's change that! Today I'm sharing another Monday Muse post, which features my hobbies other than reading.

It's the last Monday of January! Isn't that bizarre? Time really flies.

I still haven't started coloring in my new Johanna Basford planner... there is definitely something wrong with me! I love coloring, but just haven't gotten into it so far. I'm going to start this week!

I posted something bookish on my Instagram, theeaterofbooks!

I've posted on my personal one too, alyssasadventuresinwonderland. Lots of Florida pictures!

In other bookish news, I got my King of Scars preorder incentive!

Speaking of preorders, I highly recommend checking out Austine's Preorder Incentives page on her blog, to see if there are preorder incentives that might apply to you! This is an amazing resource that I have bookmarked.

I posted a new giveaway!

Here is a pretty sunrise photo for last week!

Friday, January 25th, 2019.


  1. Fun to see your photos of Florida. Hope you enjoy your preorder items. Pretty sunrise. :)

    Have a great day, Alyssa!

  2. Your pictures are so pretty. <3 But ahh, I hope you are back to coloring again :) Hugs. And ugh, I love your pin. <3


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