
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Stacking the Shelves (#207)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, December 4th to Saturday, December 10th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

I was not expecting this! Thank you very much, Random House. =)

Thank you, Laurel! I won this from her giveaway.

OMG! Wow! Thank you, Harper/H! It's enormous. o_o

I had a great trade with Liz - thank you! I am so excited about this book.

Poster and bookmark

Thank you, Ariel! This was from another trade. I am so glad I could help her CoHo collection. =)

I ordered this along with four other books. Those four are for my #TBTBSanta recipient, but this one is for me. Treat yo self!

Windwitch pendant

Thank you, Kim! I love it! She is so talented.

Six of Crows buttons

Wooooo! Thank you, Zulfa! An excellent trade. <3

The Rose & The Dagger bookmark and Lifeblood button

Thank you, Leslie! Yet another trade. :D #obsessed

Christmas card 

My first of the season! Thank you so much, Carina! You are the sweetest. =)

My #TBTBSanta gift, from Kaitlyn

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Thank you, Kaitlyn! I was nearly in tears, it's so perfect! She is such a thoughtful and kind Santa!

Phew! That was two weeks worth of mail. :D I am so blessed. <3 

I really shouldn't be home this weekend because of final exams next week, but my mom's birthday was on Thursday, and so my siblings and I decided to surprise her. ALL of us came home on Friday and took her and my dad to dinner! My sister lives at home, but I'm at the university and my brother lives near D.C., so it was a shock that all three of us came. It was so worth the look on her face when she saw my brother walk into the restaurant! She started crying (he visits maybe four times a year).

So it was a rough week initially (last week of classes = chaos), but it ended really well. I love all of my mail (thank you, everyone!), and I'm looking forward to getting through all of these final exams. Wish me luck, folks!


  1. Lovely books, Alyssa! Enjoy :) Carve Of Mark and Blood Rose Rebellion look so good.
    Good luck with classes! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

    1. Thank you! I am very excited about both of those. I hope you have a great weekend as well!

  2. Oh how nice that you all surprised your mom for her birthday!! I love b-day surprises, and I hope my kids will do those for me once they move out, too ;)
    Your new books look amazing, Alyssa! I want to get my hands on the new Roth book!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. My sister and I put together the plan! We brought gifts to the restaurant, and made sure our dad was in on it. :D

      Thank you, Lexxie! I hope you like Carve the Mark when you read it!

  3. You got BRB!!! I want it *grabby hands* I prefer this blue cover over the white one.
    I loved Alienated! I need to finish reading the series.
    Aww that's great for your mom! I'm sure she had a great time :)
    Good luck on your finals!!
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

    1. Yaaasss! I definitely prefer the blue cover, but the white one is so striking.

      I still need to read United! But I loved Alienated and Invaded.

      She was so surprised and very pleased! It was awesome.

      Thank you!

  4. Oh wow!! That's an awesome haul!! I'm actually intrigued with Veronica's new book! I think I might want to read it! I am actually really happy to see she's still writing! Too many times I feel like authors quit writing after the big movie deal goes Hollywood Huge. And it's saddening. But that she has a new book really excites me!!

    And wow! All your other new reads!! Sooo awesome!! I STILL need to get me copies of the new Opposition and Shadows!! Thinking of ordering signed copies from Apollycon later this month! Need to get that order in! LOL!

    And that's sooo sweet that you and your siblings all surprised your mom!! Such a nice gift! ;)

    Hope you enjoy all your awesome new reads!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I definitely want to read it, despite hating the ending of the Divergent trilogy. Hopefully this duology will be better.

      So many books, I know! It's two weeks worth. My TBTBSanta is the best!

      Thank you, Jessica!

  5. Awesome haul!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Carve the Mark! And yes you should always treat yourself too ;)
    That's great that you and your sibilings all made it home to celebrate your mom's bday! Good luck with with the end of the semester!

    1. I definitely plan on reading it soon!

      We had fun! Such a great family event.

      Thank you, Cyn!

  6. So many awesome books this week. I hope you love all of your new books. Its so nice to hear that all your brothers and sisters came home to surprise your mother. Great haul of books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  7. I am curious about Carve the Mark so I hope you enjoy it! :)

  8. MY GOODNESS, you got soooo many awesome things in the mail--I'm drooooooooling over that ARC of Carve the Mark, here's hoping you enjoy it SO MUCH! I cannot wait to get my hands on it in the future! And your Secret Santa seems like such a thoughtful and awesome gift-giver!

    Here's hoping you enjoy all your recent bookish acquisitions! I posted up my Stacking the Shelves this morning, if you're interested in checking it out. No pressure or worries if you're not, though! Either way, happy book-ing to you...and have a great weekend!

    1. It's so much, almost a little overwhelming! I'm really happy and can't wait to dig into everything.

      Have a great weekend!

  9. WOW! What an awesome two weeks! I have a major cover crush on Carve the Mark, Alienated, The Forbidden Wish, and Blood Rose Rebellion! Also such a great secret Santa package! Have a great week! ❤️

    1. RIGHT?! Such beautiful covers. I want to show them off on my bookshelves, cover out. :D

      Thank you!

  10. You did score some good trades and wow, Santa Kaitlin knows her stuff.

    So neat that you all came together for your mom's birthday. I want to fly out west to do that for my mom at some point, too.

    Best wishes with the finals.

    1. Yaaasss! She is awesome. :D My mom was really surprised and very pleased!

      Thank you. <3

  11. What a nice thing you guys did for your mom! I am sure that everyone had a wonderful time. You had a great haul this week. I love book mail! I am most curious about the new Veronica Roth book. Enjoy!

    1. We try! It was fun to plan. Book mail is the best! It's nice to come home to all of this.

      Thank you, Carole!

  12. Congrats on the great book haul and good luck with exams, Alyssa!

  13. Hey fun stuff! Blood Rose has such a nice cover! And The Forbidden Wish looks fun...

    That's awesome too about surprising your mom- and good luck with exams!!

    1. It does! Now it's white though, instead of light blue.

      Thank you!

  14. That's a lot of great books you go there! I hope you enjoy them!

    Here’s my Stacking the Shelves!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  15. Holy wow you got so many good book! I am so looking forward to The Valiant and I am super curious about Carve The Mark. Oh and Blood Rose Rebellion too! Happy reading!

    1. It's a lot! I need several months to get myself all caught up. LOL. Perhaps after I graduate.

      Thank you, Teresa!

  16. Awesome haul and homecoming. Have a great holiday break.

  17. I am IN LOVE with all the mail you got these past two weeks. I'm so excited for Blood Rose Rebellion and Carve the Mark, and the SoC buttons are to DIE for!

    I hope you enjoy them. You TBTB Santa parcel is AWESOME as well!
    Aditi @

    1. Me too, Aditi! I don't even know where to start.

      Thank you! ^_^

  18. Your TBTBSanta gift is amazing!:D As soon as I get mine sent, I know I'm going to bouncy-excited to see what my person thinks of it! :D This has been such a fun program! :D
    AW, you and your siblings were so sweet to surprise your mom. I think I teared up a little, too, just from reading that! Thanks for sharing it. ♥
    Have a great week, Alyssa.

    1. I'm waiting for my recipient to receive hers! It should arrive on Tuesday. *bites nails*

      Thank you, Becky! *hugs* It was fun. :)

      You too!

  19. You´ve got some very good looking books in your haul this week. Happy reading and have a great new week.

    Best wishes
    Vi @ Gone With The Books

    1. Thanks, Vi!I hope you have a wonderful week as well. =)

  20. Oh WOW! That was an awesome haul! That was so sweet of you and your siblings to surprise your mom. I'm sure she was so happy! I have 7 siblings so getting them all together at once is really difficult. I think it's only happened once or twice ever. lol!

    Have a great week, and enjoy all of your new reads!

    1. She was! Goodness, I can't imagine coordinating eight people. Three was hard enough!

      Thank you!

  21. oh many different books there! I hope you'll enjoy them. happy reading!

  22. Amazing haul, love all the bookish items :)

  23. I love getting post and it looks like this was such a great two weeks for you :) Majorly jealous of carve the mark!

    1. It's one of the best feelings! Thank you! I hope you get to read Carve the Mark soon. ^_^

  24. Sounds like a great get-together for your mom's birthday! I'm glad all your siblings could make it. Fun mail! YAY!


  25. Looks like you were a good girl and Santa visited early. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  26. Yay for Valiant, I hope it's good! And aw how sweet that you guys all got together to surprise your mom, I hope you all had a great time :)

    Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist

    1. I hope so too! And we did, I hope we can do it again, in the future. Thank you, Nereyda!

  27. That is awesome that you got to surprise your mom for her birthday!! It looks like you got some great book mail this week! Have a great week!

    1. It was a fantastic week in mail! Thank you and same to you. <3

  28. Great haul! Very jealous of Carve the Mark! I loved Alienated, it's one of my favorites. Have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post

    1. I liked Alienated a lot too! I haven't read United though. Thank you!

  29. So many gifts and goodies this week Alyssa! I can wait for Valiant and the new Roth book, they sound SO good.

    1. It was a lot! But a drought for the next week makes up for it. :D I hope you love both, Liza!

  30. Looks like a good haul! I hope you enjoy. I've been hearing some critical things about Carve the Mark, but I'm also curious.

    1. Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean (in terms of Carve the Mark). I am very very interested in seeing more about the troublesome aspects. :/

  31. Ahhh! You got so so so many amazing things :D I am forever jealous of the Carve the Mark ARC. <3 I waaant. And The Valiant :D Looks so gorgeous. I hope you love all of these lovely books sweet girl :) And yaaay, again, I'm so thrilled that you got my card safely :) All the hugs. <3

    1. I am especially excited about The Valiant! I was hoping to read it this week, but I haven't had the chance yet.

      Thank you!


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