
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Stacking the Shelves (#198)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, October 2nd to Saturday, October 8th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

With the exception of the romance novel, all were unsolicited! Thank you, Simon & Schuster, Tor, Random House, and Avon. =)

From the publisher:

I actually got approval for this one from Edelweiss a few weeks ago, but I forgot to download it, and the book published. But the Avon publicist sent me a copy anyway! It was very nice of her. =) Thank you, Avon!

This week flew by! I had a busy time with schoolwork, job work, and blog work. But on the plus side, I spontaneously bought some books from BookOutlet! I've never bought books from them. Rachel was so sweet and sent me a coupon! A heads-up -- next week might kill me (midterms, papers, problem sets). So bear with me, please!


  1. That was nice of them to send along the copy anyway.

    Oh yeah, the Book Outlet is a dangerous site for me especially when they send out a coupon or sales notice. :)

    Wishing you well on your big mid-term push.

    1. The Avon folks are so sweet. Thank you, Sophia!

  2. That was real nice of them to send you a copy! :) Some of those publicist are really great! Enjoy!

    Good luck with mid-term!

    1. They really are! I especially love the Avon ladies. Thank you!

  3. That is awesome that you got a copy of When a Marquess Loves a Woman! Good luck on midterms! Happy Reading!

  4. Ooh nice! That's a new to me read! Book Outlet is pretty cool! Though I find that I don't shop there often enough! I usually buy books as they release which kind of defeats the purpose of Book Outlet! LOL! Can't wait to see your haul once it comes in! Hope the coming week won't be too stressful! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. BookOutlet is a site on which I do a lot of "window shopping"... I've browsed the site many times but never actually bought anything, until now! I'm excited. Thank you, Jessica!

  5. When a Marquess Loves a Woman - I love that title! :D

    1. Me too! All of the titles in this series are hilarious and awesome. ^_^

  6. Ohhhh I love the cover of that books! Hope you enjoy it!

    1. Me too! You don't see too much yellow in historical romance covers. So it's especially unique!

  7. oh that look good, enjoy it :D I've never shopped at Book Outlet, will have to check it out

    1. You should! Their prices are soooo great. ;)

  8. School comes first. Sometimes RL can get busy and interfere with our blogging. That was so nice of the publisher to send you that book. Great haul.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  9. Hope next week's not too bad! And I've never bought from Book Outlet. I'll have to check them out.

    1. Thank you! You should! It's a great site. ^_^

  10. Blogging (or maintaining any time consuming hobby, really) can be really difficult when you're in university. Good luck with everything, you've got this Alyssa!

    Plus it's good motivation to know that you've got a fun romance novel waiting for you when you're done, right? :D

    1. Ha! For sure! And OMG Danya, romance novels are my "guilty" pleasure. I am ALWAYS so excited to sneak time from studying and read them! The swoonier (and less angsty), the better. ;D

  11. The Guide to the Other Side looks pretty cute! Might be a fun Halloween read! Enjoy all your new goodies, Alyssa!

    1. It does look cute! They got the timing right, with the publishing season. :D Thank you!

  12. I've bought from BookOutlet before, but adding in the shipping prices usually takes it over what I want to pay. I tried ThriftBooks not long ago and was pretty happy with them. Free shipping for orders over $10 (not hard at all) and they have a reading rewards program. I'm technically on a book buying ban, but I'd use them again.

    Best of luck on midterms and everything! I'm sure you'll do great. :)

    1. PS - I can get you a 15% off coupon to ThriftBooks if you're interested in trying it. ;)

    2. Ooo, I see what you're saying. In this case, shipping wasn't bad. I've never heard of ThriftBooks! Let me check it out, and I may ask you for that coupon. ;)

      Thank you, Kel! Have a lovely week. <333

  13. Awesome haul this week! I have been DYING to read Stranded so I'm really excited to see what you think! Have a great week :D

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. Ooooo, interesting! I hope you get a chance to read it. Thank you, Tracy!

  14. Awesome book haul this week! Some of those covers are goooooorgeous--I hope you enjoy your new book acquisitions! Also, thank you SO MUCH again for stopping by my StS this week--I super appreciate it! <3

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! And it's no problem, you're very welcome. =)

  15. I love BookOutlet! Enjoy your new books. :)

    I hope your week goes well!


  16. All those books look great - hope you´ll enjoy. Have a great new week. Gotta look into that Book Outlet ...

  17. Twelve Days of Dash and Lily is one I want to get soon too. Happy reading.

    1. I'm giving away the copy! You should check it out. :D

  18. Ahh I'm so excited to read the Jennifer McQuiston book and When a Marquess Loves a Woman! Alyssa, I've fallen too far into the HR hole! :) And yay Book Outlet! It's the best and the worst, because books, but also money. :D

    Good luck with everything at school, though--you're getting close to done, right??

    1. Let me know if you need recommendations - I have soooo many. :D Best and worst indeed!

      I'll be graduating in May! *hides* I don't know if I'm reading for the "real world", but I am ready to stop being so stressed all the time. ;)

  19. Everyone gets busy at times. Have a good week. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  20. I can't wait to read When A Marquess Loves a Woman! I literally went to Goodreads to check if you or Nick had read the previous books. When I saw you liked them, I accepted the book so I'll be reading it next week! I hope this coming week doesn't drain you with all that you have coming up.
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

    1. Hopefully you love it! I'm flattered that you looked for mine. =)

      Thank you, Genesis!

  21. You've got a few books I haven't heard of, will have to go check out A Guide to the Other Side, it looks good! Enjoy your new books, hope your week is good. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier!

  22. I hope you enjoy these books! I'm dying for Twelve Days of Dash and Lily, but that's because I luuurve David Levithan.
    Happy reading!

    1. Ooo, that's awesome! To be honest, I'd not heard of the book before. ;) Thank you, Lis!

  23. I also have Dash & Lily. I hope you love the HR books and that you survive the midterms :)

    1. Yay! I don't think it's for me but that's okay. I will definitely be reading the HR. :D Thank you!

  24. I have Dash and Lily too, sounds cute, may give it a shot. I've never tired bookoutlet either, I always want to but I already have way too many books...

    Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist

    1. I hope you like it, Nereyda! I really shouldn't buy new books but... I cave every now and then. =)

  25. Enjoy your new reads! I've been super busy as well and haven't felt like blogging or anything. I'm trying to get out if this slump because I keep reading all these amazing books but haven't posted reviews for them. Hopefully, I'll get my groove back soon. Other than two blog tour posts, I've not scheduled anything else.

    1. Girl, I feel you. I'm exhausted. I imagine it's because of the semester but I'm just not feeling the same at the moment. I hope you get motivated!!!! *hugs*

  26. Yay for getting some gorgeous looking books :) I hope you will love them all, if you read them. <3 Hope you are having an awesome week sweetest Alyssa :D


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