
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Swoon Thursday (#161): Forest of Ruin by Kelley Armstrong

Swoon Thursday is a hot meme hosted by the fabulous ladies at YA Bound!

- From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering

- Try to make the swoon excerpt 140 characters (or less), if you are going to tweet about it. Use the hashtag #YABOUND when tweeting

This week, my swoon is from Forest of Ruin by Kelley Armstrong!

She answered by pulling him into a kiss. Soon he was under the blanket with her, just kissing, and Moria decided that while kissing standing up was all very well and fine, kissing horizontally was an entirely different thing. It was body against body, hands in hair, legs entwined, deep and hungry kisses that seemed to go on forever. Even the position changed, and with each configuration, there was some new sensation to delight in. Tyrus on top, the weight of his body on hers.

- ARC, page 221

*happy sigh* I love Moria and Tyrus! This series is such a good one. And now it's over! Huge thanks to Liza for letting me borrow her ARC of Forest of Ruin. :)


  1. Now that is a swoon worthy tease! An honest on too, kissing laying down is so much better.

    My Swoon

  2. Eee, I love that swoon :D I haven't read book one yet.. but I own one and two, and getting the third one as well :D I hope I will love them too. So glad you liked them sweetie :)

    1. Binge-read them, Carina! I'm crossing my fingers that you'll enjoy the series. ^_^

  3. Hot Dang now that it very swoon worthy scene. I really want to check out this book series soon, hopefully I can check them out from the library first! Thank you for your awesome post Alyssa.

  4. Ooooh boy!! I so need this damned book!! GIMME!!


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Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!