
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Swoon Thursday (#159): The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

Swoon Thursday is a hot meme hosted by the fabulous ladies at YA Bound!

- From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering

- Try to make the swoon excerpt 140 characters (or less), if you are going to tweet about it. Use the hashtag #YABOUND when tweeting

This week, my swoon is from The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski!

"I don't know. I can't - I don't know what you wanted."

"I never said?"


She lowered her mouth to his. She tasted him: the raw burn of liquor on his tongue. She felt him swallow, heard the low dry sound of it.

He pulled her down to him, tangled his hands in her hair, sucked the breath from her lips. She came uncertain whose breath was whose. He kissed her back, fingertips fanning across her face, then gone, nowhere. Then: a light touch along the curve of her hip, just barely. A stone skipping the surface of the water.

- eARC, 42%

This book... it was everything that I wanted and more. If you haven't started this series, be sure to do so! The final book (this one) publishes in less than two months! Go forth and binge-read!


  1. Great swoon. Sadly, I have not yet started this series. Guess I should bump it up the list.

    Thanks for stopping by my swoon.

    That's all I have to say other than I'm so excited for more of that! :)

  3. I've got the first one sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I'll probably get to it as part of my "It's New to Me" Challenge I'm hosting. I'm so glad to hear everyone is still loving this series!

    1. You need to read the series, Lisa! And now it'll be less painful, since the publication of this final book is right around the corner. =)

  4. Sigh. <3 The Winner's Kiss swoon is the best swoon :D Thank you so much for sharing Alyssa. <3 YAY :D Also love how it doesn't spoil, for those who haven't read the books yet, lol ;) But I know who it is. <3 And I am the most happy. And I want this book NOW. Sniffs. Sad face.

    1. I picked one that was not spoiler-y! There were others. ;) I hope you love it, Carina!

  5. Oh, you're so cruel! I'm dying to read this book!
    I cannot wait to read more about that kiss!

    1. Hahahaha! *rubs hands together* I hope you enjoy this one, Lis!

  6. I shall follow your instructions dear Alyssa and binge read the last two books! I'm glad you loved it :)

  7. Hot Dang you really now how to pick the best swoon worthy quotes Alyssa! (Fans Self) lol Thank you for the awesome post my friend and making me really wanting to read this series too! :D

  8. Arrrrg, so excited for this! I neeeeed neeed Kestrel and Arin to be happy. Haha. Great teaser!

    1. RIGHT?! They have to work for it a little, but ;D


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