
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Review: Wink Poppy Midnight by April Tucholke

Wink Poppy Midnight by April Tucholke
Publisher: Dial Books
Publication Date: March 22, 2016
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

Every story needs a hero.
Every story needs a villain.
Every story needs a secret.

Wink is the odd, mysterious neighbor girl, wild red hair and freckles. Poppy is the blond bully and the beautiful, manipulative high school queen bee. Midnight is the sweet, uncertain boy caught between them. Wink. Poppy. Midnight. Two girls. One boy. Three voices that burst onto the page in short, sharp, bewitching chapters, and spiral swiftly and inexorably toward something terrible or tricky or tremendous.

What really happened?
Someone knows.
Someone is lying.

What I Liked:

I'm just going to say this now - this review is going to be vague and weird and probably not make a lot of sense. Which is fine, because it'll reflect the book really nicely. You'll see!

This book was so strange. All of Tucholke's books are strange. I loved Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, and really liked Between the Spark and Burn. I liked this new book too! Tucholke weaves a beautiful and strange tale of two girls and a boy, each the hero and villain of their story.

This book is so strange, I don't even know how to summarize it. Usually I'd try to summarize the book in my own words, in the second paragraph of this section. I don't even know where to start. We have Wink, how is one of those weird Bell children. Wink is quiet and imperturbable, impossible to bully despite being a perfect target. She's a dreamer, living in books of magic and fairy tales. Midnight is lonely boy whose mother and stepbrother moved to France, leaving him and his father. Poppy is a mean, cruel bully, a girl who has all the attention. 

This book is told from each character's first-person point-of-view. The story starts with Midnight's. In the beginning, we find out that Midnight and Poppy have a sexual relationship. Poppy doesn't care about Midnight, but Midnight is infatuated with her. They're neighbors. And then he and his father move to an old house next to Wink's farm. Midnight decides that it's time to let Poppy go. But you leave Poppy when she lets you go, not when you want. Midnight doesn't want to be anything to her anymore. Especially when he officially meets Wink, and feels peace with her.

And then things get weird. Poppy doesn't like that Midnight is walking away from her. Sure, she doesn't care about him. She doesn't care about the other two boys she has sex with, either. But she doesn't want anyone to not want her, or not want to be her. Everyone hates her, and she knows it a little, but she craves the attention that her parents don't give her.

So when Midnight starts hanging around Wink... that's when the story takes off. I won't spill anything more. I never liked Poppy, but it was intriguing to be in her head. I didn't hate her, but I didn't like her at all, but I felt a little bad for her too. 

I liked Wink, with her weird tendencies and her head-in-the-clouds way. She's very smart, and eclectic. My favorite character had to be Midnight though. As much as this story is about Poppy and her jealousy, and Wink and her determination to live a fairy tale, the story seemed to move around Midnight. Everything came back to Midnight. His character development was the most important, of the three of them. 

You're probably thinking, this book has love triangle written all over it. It actually does not! Wink and Midnight are a thing pretty much from the moment they meet. Before they meet, Poppy has her claws in Midnight. But he knows how toxic whatever they have is (they are not dating, and Poppy is having sex with other people besides Midnight). The romance is strange, definitely not a type that you're used to seeing in YA... you'll have to experience it for yourself.

This whole book, really. You have to read it to know how strange and mystical and odd the book is. I can't even summarize it, or explain specific things I liked and disliked. It's so different from other books in YA, and not just in terms of the writing style. This book is weird! How many times have I used that word? Probably too many - but you get what I'm saying!

I liked the parallel story that was being told. Wink reads a story to her younger Bell siblings, with Midnight listening. This story kind of parallels the actual story. Which makes sense, because Wink wants to be living a story, a fairy tale. Interesting part of this book!

I enjoyed this book, weirdness and all. There is a bit of mystery to it, coming down to the end. There seems to be paranormal elements, but it's a contemporary novel. I liked this book a lot! If you haven't read one of Tucholke's books, I highly recommend doing so, to experience how vastly different this book is, from most YA books!

What I Did Not Like:

This is one of those books that leaves you wondering, am I even sure of anything that I just read?! I had that feeling a lot, especially as the book started to wrap up. Not a bad thing at all! Just slightly bothersome if you're like me and want concrete statements, not the go-around. Also, I would have liked the romance to be something else (not saying anything specific), though I totally see why the author went about it the way she did. *vague Alyssa is vague*

Would I Recommend It:

I personally recommend this book (or Tucholke's debut duology), her books are ones that you want to experience. There are so different from most YA books, in almost every way. Unconventional writing style, storytelling, character development, world-building, romance, ending. Everything is nothing like you've seen (in my opinion)! And the stories are good, too.


4 stars. Another Tucholke success, for me! I liked this book (a standalone, yay!), and I can't wait to read the next story Tucholke has for us, whenever that may be. 

Was this review helpful? Please let me know in the comments section!


  1. The cover and the title back up the tone you mention about this one. I'm curious to try it.

    1. The design team did an AMAZING job with the cover! If you read this one, I hope you like it, Sophia. :D

  2. Ohh, yay for enjoying this book a lot sweetie :D It looks so pretty. And sounds so different. But.. I do not think I would enjoy that romance, lol. But you are making this book seem good :D So maybe one day. Thank you for sharing Alyssa. <3

    1. It's very different! And you're right, you probably wouldn't like it. You're welcome - and thank you!

  3. OOoh interesting! I initially thought this would be some sort of fantasy esque read what with that title of the character's names. They're so different and unique. It's odd to hear that this reads as more of a contemporary, but with possible paranormal elements? Sounds like an intriguing read! Great review!

    1. Not fantasy at all, not really! Very contemporary with some allusions to ghosts.

      Thank you, Jessica!

  4. I love anything weird, and I think this would probably work for me. I have her other books but haven't read them, although I've read many rave reviews of Between the Devil. Thanks for reviewing!

    1. You would love this one, Tammy! Definitely read all three books. ;)

      Thank YOU!

  5. Okay, I had to do some MAJOR skimming b/c I don't want the magic of Tucholke to be ruined but YAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited that a fan of her first two books liked this one!! April is an acquired taste I've come to learn. I really adored her first two books; I even liked the second one! So I had to request this one and I'm so glad to hear it's just as "off" as her others - AWESOME review!!!! :) You totally made my day, if you couldn't tell....

    1. I went into a little detail but not spoiler-y, promise. ;D I LOVED her debut duology! This one was (for me) not AS magical, but definitely magical still. If that makes sense. I hope you love it, Kristin! Happy reading (and best of luck with approval)!

  6. I love weird! This book sounds exactly like the ones I love to read. So glad you enjoyed it!
    Have a nice day, Alyssa!

    1. Weird is different, and very good! If you read it, I hope you love it, Lis. Thank you, and you too!

  7. This does sound strange, but very intriguing! Great review. :)

  8. Amazing review Alyssa! Wow now I am very intrigued to read a book by April Tucholke, but I am also scare that I am not going to like her books. Because I have heard her books are weird and I haven't read any books quite like that yet so I don't know if I will like them or not. But I really do want to give April Tucholke books a try because I heard nothing but great reviews about her books! So I will most definitely check out her books from the library, and see if I will like and enjoy them or not. Thanks for the awesome post my friend.

    1. Thank you so much! Start with her Between duology, not as "scary", yet still intriguing and intricate. I hope you enjoy, Katiria!

  9. Hmm I was super excited about this book because I thought it was going to be a YA mystery but it sounds like the mystery is not a big part of the book. :( It also seems that this is more of a character-driven plot. I don't know if I will read this now... but I just love love love this cover! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one :)

    1. It's YA and there is a slip of mystery but it's not mystery-focused. Very character-driven, especially on Midnight's part.

      You're welcome, Lena!

  10. I like weird books for the most part. I am super intrigued and excited for this so I'm glad to see you liked it Alyssa :)

    1. I feel like this one would be right up your alley, Nereyda. :D *nudges*

  11. I did read her previous series and although it was weird and didn't exactly loved it, I fell in love with her writing. It's just beautiful. I can do weird, so no worries there :)

    1. Her writing and style are amazing! She is easily one of the most unique and creative writers in the YA world. I hope you enjoy this one, Liza!

  12. I'm so so intrigued by this book and so in love with its cover!! I'm glad to hear that you liked a lot despite the strangeness! And glad to hear no love triangle!!

    1. Strange = good! It was an interesting one, definitely a Tucholke book through and through. I hope you enjoy it if you read it, Pili! =)


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