
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stacking the Shelves (#162)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, January 24th to Saturday, January 30th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

Thank you, Penguin!

WITH THE ORIGINAL COVER! Thank you so much for the trade, Raquel!

From @Celeste_Pewter - thank you so much!

I won this bundle from Veronica on Twitter! If you don't follow her there, you should. :)

WITH THE ORIGINAL COVER! Penguin and their cover changes. Guys, I loved this book so much. Thank you, Jennie, for the trade!

From Edelweiss:

Got this one on a whim because I ADORE Dimon's books!

The only book I downloaded from Edelweiss, from this recent Harper drop!

Not a bad week! The snowstorm was pretty rough last week, and classes started on Wednesday. I'm trying to find my footing with spring classes, so bear with me for the next few weeks.


  1. You got some really sweet stuff this week! I am SO excited for Glass Sword! I ordered the one from Barnes and Noble with the alternate ending for Red Queen, I'm excited for that! I'm also excited to see what you think of Ivory and Bone! That ones sounds really good! I hope you love all of your new books!

    1. Thank you, Cyra! I'll be reviewing it on Monday (hopefully). I'm a little wary of the series overall, but I can't wait to start it.

      I am a little wary of Ivory and Bone too! But hopefully it's great.

      Thank you, Cyra!

  2. Awesome haul. I didn't even realize that Harper had an Edelweiss drop this week. I've been trying to be good and not request anything.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. I didn't either - someone messaged me about it!

  3. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy all your new books.

    Have a great week.

  4. Omg you've got Ivory and Bone. And finally rebel of the sands.

  5. Yeah that snowstorm was something!

    Oh, verra nice. I like HelenKay Dimon, too. Didn't know about that one.

    1. You should check out this new one, Sophia! I haven't read any of the other ones in this series. ;)

  6. I've heard great things about Wink, Poppy, Midnight. I hope you enjoy your books. I am hoping Glass Sword is more to my liking than the first book. I had a lot of issues with it. Have a great weekend! My STS

    1. Me too! I love April's books. I don't like the love triangle in Red Queen but I am excited to read Glass Sword!

  7. OOooh curious for Wink Poppy Midnight! And Glass Sword yay!! Rebel of the Sands and Ivory and Bone are others I keep seeing, so naturally, my curiosity is starting!

    Hope you enjoy all the fantastic new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I hope you get the chance to read some of them, Jessica!

  8. I really hope you like Ivory & Bone! No love triangle I promise. Woohoo, thrilled you found an original Rebel which I know you wanted, tbh I like the new cover better though. Have you read it? I keep hearing how good the book is....Wink Poppy Midnight seems a bit odd but also engaging, so I can't wait to hear your thoughts! <3

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. I hope you're right, because I trusted your opinion with Burning Glass's romance. :O I like both covers of Rebel! I'm reading it tomorrow.

  9. NICE haul^^ Rebel Sands is one I'm really excited about! Seeing Glass Sword reminds me that I still need to read Red Queen! I hope you enjoy these :D

    1. Thank you! This week was pretty great, in terms of fantasy books. Thank you, Micheline!

  10. I have heard great things about Rebel of the Sands! I hope you enjoy all your new books. :)

  11. Ahh, YAY for getting so many awesome looking books Alyssa :D They all look gorgeous. <3 Happy reading sweet girl. I hope you will love them all :) And aw, hope your next week will be all kinds of awesome. <3

    1. I'm petting the ones from the mail right now! And thank you, Carina, I hope so too!

  12. I'm dying to read Wink Poppy Midnight! I hope you love it!
    Rebel of the Sands sounds great, too!
    Happy reading!

    1. I hope you do as well, when you read it (and Rebel)! Thank you, Lis. <3

  13. Ivory & Bone sounds amazing! Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  14. Rebel Of The Sands looks great! I hope you enjoy it. I am a new follower via Bloglovin.

  15. Great haul! I'm so freaking ready to read Glass Sword! Happy reading!

  16. I'm pretty jealous of your haul! I can't wait for pretty much every single one of your books, especially Glass Sword. I have it oreordered to get the day it comes out! Enjoys your books!

    1. This week was EPIC! Everything came all at once. I hope you love Glass Sword, Alexis! =)

  17. Glass Sword and The Forbidden Wish? I'm packing a bag and coming over ;P

    1. LOL! You're welcome here anytime, Crystal. :D

  18. Jealous of your RIDERS swag because I just got a FC in the mail today for review and loving it so far! I say it all the time, you always have a great haul. I am happy you got some books that you were looking for!

    Have a great week girly!

    Amber ❤ The Book Bratz

    1. I've been sitting on the ARC for months! The publicist asked me not to post my review until February (which made me break out in hives a little - I finished up my February pile by mid-January!). I've seen a ton of not-so-hot reviews, but I'll be reading it for myself this Thursday. :D Hopefully we both love it, Amber. :)

      Thank you!

  19. I adored Wink Poppy Midnight!! I hope you do, too! :D OMG I loved the original cover of Forbidden Wish--why on earth did they change it! I'm waiting for a few more reviews to pop up of Ivory and Bone before decided to read it--I'm not sure that synopsis grabs me. LOL If you love it, let me know! :D

    1. I remember seeing that! I'm pretty excited about it. And I adored The Forbidden Wish! If you haven't read it, you totally should, Becky.

      I know what you mean about Ivory and Bone! I got confirmation that there is NO love triangle, so I'm pretty much sold. Reading it next month, I think!

  20. Great haul! And very interesting arcs!

  21. Wow that's some amazing books you got this week! I'm so jealous for Glass sword! I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading :)

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading

    1. So far Glass Sword is pretty good! I'm a little scared of the ending.

      Thank you, Sofia!

  22. I like HelenKay Dimon. Her new book looks great. Have fun reading!

  23. Hooray for awesome ARCs. Happy cozy reading.


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