
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Stacking the Shelves (#138)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, August 9th to Saturday, August 15th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

This is actually my second ARC - the first was sent from Amie & Jay, this one from Random House! Thank you, RH!

Unsolicited - thank you, S&S!

Unsolicited - thank you, Random House!

From NetGalley:

Already started reading this! Thank you, Berkley Romance!

This one doesn't publish until January, but I never take my Macmillan auto-approval for granted O_O

From Edelweiss:

Using my new Avon Addict to download ALL THE BOOKS. However, I read this one, did not enjoy it at all!

I'm currently reading this one, finishing up soon. It is (so far) MUCH better than Need Me. Look out for my double-review of this one and Need Me on Thursday!

And that is my week! I'm trying to read the solicited ones in the next week or so (with the exception of The Killing Jar). This summer, I have really slashed my TBR! Too bad I only have two more weeks. *cries*


  1. I hope that you love all of your new books this week. They look amazing.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. OOoh nice! Been seeing Illuminae around a LOT! And I swear I've seen the Killing Jar somewhere before. Or maybe it's just the cover...I got very familiar vibes when I saw it on Netgalley!

    Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. The cover of The Killing Jar has been around for years! But the publication date was pushed back about a year (ending up in January 2016).

      Thank you, Jessica!

  3. Did you read Illuminae yet? I'm very curious about The Killing Jar! I've not requested it or anything so very curious to hear thoughts on it. Great haul!!

  4. I wasn't sure about The Killing Jar, and the Avon books are usually pretty good! Enjoy your new books! Have a great weekend! <3

    1. I want to read ALL the Avon books sometimes, Andrea! It is a struggle :D Thank you so much!

  5. So hard to keep on top of the review pile especially when some of the offerings and unsoliciteds are so tempting, too.

    I look forward to your thoughts on Illuminae and the Tessa Bailey set.

    1. It is! Sometimes I really let myself go O_O

      Just posted my double-review of the Tessa Bailey books! I bumped it up from Thursday to Sunday ^_^

  6. I've stopped reviewing many books based strictly on time. Seemed like they were coming at a non-stop pace and became overwhelming. There are instances when I'll review a novel, and mostly it's because a friend asked. Your review is right on point, honest and eye-opening. and you give really good reasons of why it doesn't work. Wishy-women are very hard to take, so I totally understand! Loved your review! Hugs and happy weekend! Ro

    1. I know what you mean! I have a huge change coming in September, in terms of reviews.

      I think you meant to post this comment on my review of Bounce, perhaps? But thank you, Ro!

  7. I got that copy of Another Day too, which makes me feel bad since I didn't really like Every Day. If I have a print copy of book one I'll give them both to my niece to see if she has better luck. If not I could take it to my library.
    Enjoy your new books!

    1. I'll have to pass this along too, as I have not read anything by the author! It's sad, but then, I also have basically no time for unsolicited. Ooo, donating to the library is a good idea. I usually donate to The Book Thing. My local public library would probably LOVE new books :D

      Thank you, Nereyda!

  8. I need to read the Bailey books, and love David. Enjoy!

  9. Isn't Illuminae a time travel book? Those aren't my favorite, but I've been seeing it around a lot lately. Hope you enjoy your new books!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. No, I don't believe so! Unless I've been steered wrong. More sci-fi ish? Again, I'm not sure.

      Thank you!

  10. I almost downloaded The Killing Jar, but decided I need to stop requesting so many. I'll have to see what you think of it. Great haul!
    Check out my STS

    1. I'm saving it for November/December! I only downloaded it so I wouldn't miss it if Macmillan pulled it from NetGalley.

      Thank you!

  11. Yaay :D Such pretty books! Ahh, The Wolf Wilder. <3 I'm getting the UK edition; so excited. Though not until the release :p Ugh. Hope it's a great book :) Yay for another copy of Illuminae ;) I have two of this one too. IT IS GORGEOUS. Happy reading Alyssa :D Yay for getting lots of pretty mail. <3

  12. Killing Jar sounds good, hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  13. I can't wait for Illuminae! It's going to be such an awesome book. I just wish the release date were here already! I read Every Day last week and loved it so much. I definitely need to buy myself a copy of Another Day. Have an awesome week, Alyssa! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  14. Some nice additions there, Alyssa. All new to me though. Hope you enjoy reading them and have a great week.

  15. Illuminaeeee!! I really hope you'll love it when you read it, Alyssa! It's so different and so aawesome!!!
    I'll await DMs when you start reading it, btw! ;)

    1. I'll definitely DM you, Pili! I think I'll be starting it in less than two weeks :D

  16. This is a great bunch of books! So excited for Illuminae (really, is there anyone who isn't??) :D

    1. RIGHT!!? I've been holding out, will read it in the next two weeks or so!

  17. I saw you didn't like either of Tessa Bailey's books. I've tried 3 or 4 of hers and can NEVER get into them. her writing just isn't for me. :/
    I hope you love Illuminae! It's one of my favorite books this year!

    1. I liked the third one, Make Me! But not Need Me, not at all. Her Brazen novels are pretty great though! Officer Off Limits is her best :D

      Thanks, Danielle!

  18. I have to admit I'm super jealous of your TBR slashing! Mine only grows... :) But yay! Not so much yay to school starting, but that does mean you're closer to finishing!

    I totally missed The Killing Jar! Must go grab! (Add it to that TBR!)

    I hope you're having a great week, Alyssa!

    1. It grows but then I have to do SERIOUS damage control and stomp on it... especially since classes start next week -_-

      Happy reading, Rachel! And same to you!

  19. I hope to read Illuminae soon. I haven't seen Wolf Wilder before, it looks good. Enjoy your books!

    1. Thank you, Liza! Have you read Illuminae? I'm reading it soon ish!


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Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!