
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Swoon Thursday (#114): An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Swoon Thursday is a hot meme hosted by the fabulous ladies at YA Bound!

- From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering

- Try to make the swoon excerpt 140 characters (or less), if you are going to tweet about it. Use the hashtag #YABOUND when tweeting

This week, my swoon is An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir!

I lift myself up on my toes, and his face comes down at the same time. His lips are soft, softer than I could have imagined, but there is a hard desperation behind them, a need. This kiss speaks. It begs. Let me forget, forget, forget.

His cloak falls away from me, and my body is against his. He pulls me to his chest, his hands running down my back, clasping my thigh, drawing me closer, closer. I arc into him, reveling in his strength, his fire, the alchemy between us twisting and burning and melding until it feels like gold.

- ARC, page 371

So much love for this book... there better be a sequel! :D


  1. Oh my gosh... *swoons*. I'm really excited for this book and now I need this book even more! Thanks for sharing :)

    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

    1. I HOPE YOU LOVE IT, ZAREENA! Definitely one of my favorite books of the year :D You're welcome!

  2. Oh, I love this swoon. <3 Gorgeous post Alyssa :D Thank you so much for sharing. Sigh. I just.. I really want this book already, lol :)

    1. Yay! I hope you enjoy it, Carina! Hopefully your preorder comes early or something. The wait is totally worth it!

  3. Ooooooh boy, that sounds like one hell of a kiss!! I still haven't read the book and I'm already begging for a sequel too!!

    1. The entire scene is one of my favorite scenes of the whole book :D I know what you mean!!

  4. Ooh, I love a kiss that speaks. So very awesome. Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope you have a great weekend.

  5. I think I'm gonna wait to see if there is a sequel before I read the first book, but I'm glad there are so many positive reviews! That quote indeed is quite swoony. :D Just hesitant about the love squarish situation.

    1. Now that I can understand. I almost didn't want to read this book buuuuut, since the pub sent it, I did. And square? I don't see a square happening. Triangle, maybe, but not square. Someone misinformed you.

  6. Um. Can I have this book? Like now? Haha. I've been waiting for this one and now that I've seen that swoon? I NEED IT. LOL. Awesome choice lovely! I'm so glad you liked this one!

    1. Uuuuuuuummmmm, yeeeeessssss! You need to read this book, Jess! I hope you enjoy it when you do! Thank you <3

  7. Holy wow that swoon is everything! I have to have to HAVE TO read this book!

  8. Oh wow... I love it! The guy grabbing the thigh... sigh!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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