
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Stacking the Shelves (#120)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, April 5th to Saturday, April 11th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

I didn't go home again (woah), but my parents *might* bring my mail. If not, I'll post the pictures next week or on Twitter!

From Edelweiss:

I only downloaded one from the latest Harper upload - and it's a Rae Carson book! I loved her debut trilogy :D

Another week that could have gone a lot better... but on the plus side, it's been warmer, and we've experienced our first thunderstorm of the year this week! I love thunderstorms <3


  1. We got our first t-storm this week too. That book for review looks good. Not familiar with the author.

    1. Isn't the weather strange? And I loved Rae Carson's Fire & Thorns trilogy, Sophia! You should check it out.

  2. I've seen this book on several blogs now. Sure seems popular. Hope you enjoy reading it, Alyssa.

    I'm not a big fan of thunderstorms. I like it more when all I hear is the rain and I'm all nice and cozy indoors.

    Happy reading and hope you have a great week.

    1. I think it is indeed! We haven't had a Rae Carson book in a while, so it's pretty exciting.

      I'm not sure exactly WHY I love thunderstorms - they're quite scary - but there is something magical about thunder and lightning.

      Thank you, Marilyn!

  3. wow I love the cover, I have seen this book before and really want to read it but I will wait and see if it have a good review first :) hope you enjoy it and looking forward to your review on it :D

  4. Nice! Seeing a lot of this one lately!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I GOT THIS ONE TOO!!!!! *commence flailing* I am so flippin' excited for it! I also loved Rae's debut trilogy! Go you for only picking up 1 from that Harper upload. I ended up with 3, lol. But I have NO restraint. I'm glad it's finally getting warmer up there though hun! I hope this week goes a bit better for you.

    1. YAY! This is good! I have two others in mind, but I didn't download them. Not sure if I will.

      Thank you, Jess!

  6. Walk On Earth A Stranger sounds amazing hope you like it.
    my stacking the shelves

  7. I got this one as well. I loved Rae Carson's first trilogy. So I'm looking forward to this.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  8. I haven't read anything by Carson but I've heard good things. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week! My STS

  9. The cover of that is so pretty! Hope you enjoy it.

    My STS.

  10. I was SO excited to get Walk on Earth a Stranger! I hope your weeks get better. At least it's getting warm. It's still cold and miserable where I live. I'm beginning to doubt the existence of Spring. Happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

    1. Cold and miserable really does have a big effect on your mood :( Hopefully it gets warmer by you soon, Michelle!

  11. Walk On Earth a Stranger is one of my #1 ARCs to get at BEA! Even more since you know how Harper loves to decline my requests on EW...

    I do hope things will get better soon for you sweetie, you need much better weeks STAT!! *hugs*

    1. I HOPE YOU GET IT! This sounds nuts because you're a Spain resident but I am sooooo jealous of you going to BEA. It's not financially possible for me at the moment (I'd have to pay for everything, not my parents), and the timing conflicts with a certain something I told you about... anyway. I hope you get an ARC!

      Thank you! <3

  12. Great haul! I really am excited for this one as well. I haven't read anything by Rae Carson yet but this one is definitely on the top of my anticipated reads!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I highly recommend her Fire & Thorns series, Krystianna!

  13. I requested Walk On Earth a Stranger, but I'm still waiting to hear back :-( Hope you enjoy it! I loved Rae Carson's debut trilogy also!

    Em @ The YA Book Butterfly

  14. THUNDERSTORM :D I WANT ONE. We don't get many at all :( and only, maybe once, in the summer. And a small one too. HOW MEAN. I love watching and hearing them, lol :) Anyway. YAY for Walk on Earth a Stranger :D Only one I downloaded too. <3 And I read all of it today. IT WAS PERFECT. Ack. Read it now :D Happy reading Alyssa. <3 Hope you'll have an awesome upcoming week :)

    1. Awww! They're more prevalent in the summer here, but the spring, summer, and fall all have chances of them occurring. It's been a long winter, so experiencing this first one of the season was great.

      OMG YOU READ IT ALREADY?!!?!??! Holy guacamole, girl! Good for you! I'm so glad to hear that you loved it. I trust your opinion and it's Rae Carson, so I'm not terribly surprised ;D

      Thank you!

  15. I don't mind a nice thunder boomer if that is all it is, but lately around where I live they have come with hail and tornados. :(

    Week in Review

    1. Aww! That sucks... I've never experienced a tornado O_O And hopefully I never will. I hope the weather calms a bit around your area!

  16. I got that book from Edelweiss as well this week! Can't wait to read it!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  17. Happy reading and have a great week!
    My STS

  18. Warmer weather and thunderstorms are awesome. :) Also, when the week drags (this one will...I can feel it already) I recommend silly movies and Slurpies. Get thee to a 7-Eleven! ;)

    1. LOL I did have a chocolate shake a few days ago... close enough ;D

  19. Ive been seeing thsi one around a lot this week.

    I hope you enjoy :) Happy Reading!

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  20. Harper is just so evil on EW. I don't know what it's gonna take to get auto approval. -_-
    But enjoy!!!! I can't wait to see what you think about WoEaS! Loved her first series.

    1. Nahhh, I think they're #1 on EW! lol I don't know. I have hundreds of Harper reviews on Edelweiss, as well as years of just physically having the account, so that might have something to do with it. Thank you!

  21. You know I got this right away, right? I LOVE her Fire and Thorns series ;)


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