
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday (#117): Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, I'm featuring:

Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
Book One of The Great Library series
Publisher: NAL
Publication Date: July 7, 2015

Summary (from Goodreads):

In an exhilarating new series, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time.…

Ruthless and supremely powerful, the Great Library is now a presence in every major city, governing the flow of knowledge to the masses. Alchemy allows the Library to deliver the content of the greatest works of history instantly—but the personal ownership of books is expressly forbidden.

Jess Brightwell believes in the value of the Library, but the majority of his knowledge comes from illegal books obtained by his family, who are involved in the thriving black market. Jess has been sent to be his family’s spy, but his loyalties are tested in the final months of his training to enter the Library’s service.

When he inadvertently commits heresy by creating a device that could change the world, Jess discovers that those who control the Great Library believe that knowledge is more valuable than any human life—and soon both heretics and books will burn.…

Author Website | Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble

I have yet to read a book by this author... but there's no time like the present! Or, future, in this case. July, wooaaahhh. Two days after my birthday! Also, fantasy!


  1. I love, love, love Rachel Caine. Her Morganville series is awesome and she's one of the nicest people ever. I can't wait to read this new series. Great pick!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My WoW

    1. Yay! I'm glad to hear that! I hope you enjoy this one if you read it, Michelle :)

  2. It's about library! This must be really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my Wednesday post.

  3. I havent read any book by this author but this one sounds interesting..Will add it to my TBR and checkout the author's other books too..Thanks for sharing! :)

    Checkout my WOW pick for this week and if you like it, I would love to provide you with an ARC of the book to read and review! :)

    Here is my WOW post:

  4. Nice! I am looking forward to this one too! Rachel Caine is great! I never read the Morganville Vampire series which has made her famous, but I read her earlier Weather Wardens series and LOVED that one!! Also really liked her other adult series that involved a sort of zombie character! All very good!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Oooo, interesting... I'm glad to hear that!

  5. I haven't read this author yet either, but this book sounds so good! Great pick!

  6. I haven't read anything by this author either. I hope you enjoy reading this one.
    My WoW

  7. Looks like it will be a good one. Hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  8. Fantasy!! A LIBRARYYYY!! It is also in my wish list! I hope we'll both love it to bits, Alyssa!!

  9. Looks like an awesome book :D And yay for coming out right after your birthday ;) I hope you will love this one Alyssa. <3 Thank you for sharing about it :D

    1. You are the first to say anything about that (the release date)! Hehe. Thank YOU, Carina!

  10. Adding this to my TBR now! Sounds so good!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  11. I've seen this one a few times before. Hope you enjoy it and I'll be keeping an eye out for your review.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy mid-week.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  12. I'm really excited for this book as well! It sounds fantastic and the cover is gorgeous!

    P.S I'm majoring in cell biology and chemistry!

    1. I hope you love it, Nick! And very cool, that's awesome!

  13. Oh hello book! I think I need you! LOL. That blurb! Alyssa! It sounds really intriguing! And male protag! Wooo! I haven't read a book by Caine either. Let's do it up together! :D

    1. YES! YES, YOU DO! We should buddy read, if we get a copy around the same time, Jess!

  14. Interesting synopsis, I will have to check it out when it gets released :)

    My WoW

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  15. I've been meaning to check out Rachel Caine, too! This sounds fantastic, and yes Fantasy!!

    Great pick, thanks for highlighting it Alyssa!

    1. I hope this one is a good one then, Cyn! Thank you ^_^

  16. OH. MAH. GOSH. This sounds awesome! I haven't read any of her books either, but I must have this one. The Library of Alexandria!

    Wonderful pick, Alyssa!!!

    1. Right!? We are in the same boat, Rachel! Thank you!


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