
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stacking the Shelves (#114)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, February 22nd to Saturday, February 28th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

Thank you, Emma! This completes one trade, a step closer to my Kasie West ARC collection!

An ARC of Forged by Erin Bowman (unsolicited)

I already have Magonia and Forged, and I didn't LOVE The Taking; never heard of Endangered.  Empire of Night was the only one I requested, and I'll be reviewing it on Tuesday! Thank you for all of this, Harper!

From NetGalley:

Mania by J.R. Johansson

I liked Insomnia a lot, and Paranoia was okay... but I definitely want to continue this series!

The Shattered Court by M.J. Scott

Eeee! I have been aching to read this one! Fantasy! Lovely cover! 

From Amazon:

Hey, it was free! Plus, I love Gena's books!

I barely slept at all this week! Seriously, a lot of three- and four-hour nights of sleep this week... but I churned out a ton of work and I feel pretty great about it all (despite feeling even more sleep-deprived than before). I hope everyone is doing well! How was your week? :)


  1. I want to know what Harper books you got :D Curious. <3 And so jealous, lol :) I'm sure there is a whole bunch of amazing books :D Anyway! These two books do look all kinds of gorgeous. <3 Happy reading Alyssa :) I hope you'll love them both :D But ack! You need more sleep girl. <3

    1. I've updated the post! And thank you so much! Haha, I'm trying really hard :D

  2. Ooooh, cannot wait to see what you go from Harper!
    I do hope you'll manage to get some sleep this weekend at home!
    I also got approved for Mania, cannot wait to see what will happen now, because like you, Paranoia was a bit more meh for me, but I need to know what will happen now!

    1. Officially updated! And I hope so too, but that's doubtful. Two more weeks until spring break O_O I didn't enjoy Paranoia as much as I'd hoped, but I'm hoping things will close out well with Mania!

  3. I haven't heard of these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  4. I'll check back to see what was in the mail! The cover of The Shattered Soul is GORGEOUS! Happy reading...I'll be back.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

    1. IT IS! I hope it's as beautifully awesome as its cover! And thank youuuuuu <3

    2. Woo hoo! Great stuff! Some lovely sequels! I've heard of Endangered, it sounds pretty good. I haven't heard any feedback yet, though. You did well :)

    3. Thank you so much, Michelle! :D

  5. Ahh! Hope you get some sleep this weekend! I never understood how people can function like that! Let alone staying up so late to do whatever it is that needs doing!

    And ooh, this is the second time I am seeing The Shattered Court and I am loving that cover! Is this a new series? Like a first in? Standalone? Just wondering if there's an earlier title I need to look at first!

    Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I honestly don't know how I do it either. Throw in the fact that I don't drink coffee/caffeine. Wheeee...

      And it IS a new series! I've never read anything by the author. I can't to read this one though!

      Thank you so much, Jessica!

  6. oh that cover of the second book looks AMAZING! all that gold is amazing.
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. The cover for Shatter Court is gorgeous! West writes the best contemporary romances :)

    I didn't know that you had an ARC collection... I usually keep my ARCs too, unless I"m going to a signing. I hope you love them all Alyssa!

    1. I hope it's as good as its cover belies! And I only do ARC collections of some series, not many at all. West, Silver, Bowman, Tucholke, Hocking, Richards... well, that IS a lot. LOL

  8. AHHH! Great books you got this week Alyssa! So many ARCs. Looking forwars to your thoughts about them. Happy Reading!

  9. Big week this week! Kasie West's books look good, as does Magonia and Public Enemies. Enjoy them! My STS

    1. Thank you so much, Jillyn! I hope the semester is going well for you!

  10. I will be starting Rook soon! I hope we both enjoy it!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS and ENTER our giveaways!

  11. Rook sounds so amazing! I love how it takes place in a futuristic Paris. It's just such an awesome concept. I can't wait for it to be released! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. RIGHT?! Cameron's debut series also featured an amazing setting. I loooove her books! I hope you love Rook when you read it, Krystianna!

  12. I'm liking the looks of Shattered Court. Happy reading with this haul ;-)

  13. Love the cover of The Shattered Court. I'll be on the lookout for your review. I've not heard of this one I don't think. YAY HARPER. And I hope Public Enemies is good. The cover change breaks my heart. I love the packaging of Rook! I love Sharon Cameron so can't wait to read that one. Enjoy!

    1. I hope it's a good one! And I'm a little eh on the cover of Public Enemies as well. I'm really excited about Rook! Thank you!

  14. I got Mania a while back and can't wait to continue that series! I'm so jealous of Rook! I want to read that one so bad! Great haul!
    Check out my STS

    1. I hope you love it! And I hope you get to read Rook sooner rather than later, Lisa :)

  15. You got a great stack of books Alyssa! That's awesome you're trading to get some collections. I love seeing that happen for people. Rook sounds really good, and I need to go see if that Showalter book is still free! :D Have a great week girl!

    1. Thank you so much, Jess! I'm really lucky that two awesome people stepped forward and offered to trade! And I believe it still is free!

      Thank you <3

  16. Forged sounds good and hope you enjoy! Have a great week.

  17. Oh want an awesome haul! I am torn about checking out Magonia, it has such an interesting premise. Rook! I cannot wait to read that one :) Enjoy!

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. You should! If anything, you can borrow mine!

      Thank you, Ashley!

  18. Oh, I hear you on the sleep deprivation! And this week is only going to be worse, I fear! Hope you are able to get more sleep. I am so excited for Rook! Magonia wasn't really my favorite, but I do hope you enjoy all of these! Have a great week, and get some rest ;)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. For me as well - these next two weeks are going to SUCK O_O But then spring break is mid-March, and I'll be getting my wisdom teeth pulled, so at least there is some sort of low-key laziness to that? Anyway, thank you so much, Shannon! You rock <3

  19. ENJOY all of your lovely books! We're going to have to swap notes on Rook. :)

  20. Oh, you got On the Fence! I totally want to read that one. Have you started it yet?

    1. Haha, I read it last year. I wanted the print ARC to go with the Kasie West collection!

  21. I have been seeing Rook all over the place and I have no idea what it is about. I will have to go to Goodreads and check it out. :)

    1. You should! Cameron's books are quality :D


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