
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog Tour Interview with Arwen Elys Dayton, Author of Seeker (and GIVEAWAY!)

Welcome to the blog tour for Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton! I've read this one and really enjoyed it (check out my review HERE). Learn more about Arwen and Seeker here, and enter to win a copy of the book!

Meet Arwen!

Alyssa: Hi, Arwen! Thank you so much for joining us today on my blog!

Arwen: Thank you for having me!

Alyssa: So . . . as a huge LOTR fan, I have to ask—are you a Tolkien buff as well?! ;)

Arwen: I am a big Tolkien buff! But more importantly, my parents were huge Tolkien fans. Arwen is a Celtic name, and you can find it all over the British Isles, especially in Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, but frankly my parents didn't know that. They named me after Arwen Undomiel (Arwen Evenstar) in LOTR, and they weren't even a little concerned about it. In their view, who wouldn't want to be named after an Elven princess? I can see their point, even though I took some heat for the name in grade school. 

Alyssa: What fantasy novel (or novels) have you enjoyed or have influenced you while writing Seeker

Arwen: It's hard to know exactly what influences you, but I think the many points of view in the Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series was influential. I actually read these books after I wrote Seeker, but I still think the no-holds-barred creation of a full living-and-breathing world was inspiring. 

I also loved the very excellent pacing in The Hunger Games.

Alyssa: What can you tell us about Seeker and the big screen?

Arwen: I had the unexpected experience of fielding offers for the movie rights before I had even signed on with Random House for the book. Columbia Pictures and Mark Gordon Productions (Saving Private Ryan, Source Code, 2012, The Day After Tomorrow) bought the rights, and Callie Kloves is writing the screenplay as I type. 

The producing team blew me away with their personal attachment to the story and the characters. I can't wait to see their take on the book!

Alyssa: What’s your favorite genre to read? For leisure reading, I mean.

Arwen: Probably historical fiction. But I love so many genres, including contemporary fiction, science fiction and fantasy. Some books I've really enjoyed this past year are We Were Liars, Outlander, Legend, The Name of the Wind, and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Alyssa: When can we expect the next book in this trilogy—have you finished it? Can you give us any hints as to what is to come? ;)

Arwen: Traveler, the second book in the Seeker series, will come out in spring 2016. I have finished the first draft of the book but am still editing it. Traveler picks up right where Seeker leaves off. Because a lot of the history and world of Seekers is established in book one, we get to dive right in at the beginning of Traveler. We learn a bit more history of the Seeker families, and learn more of the world in which Seeker takes place. There are some new characters, and some new perspectives on old characters. It's been a lot of fun to follow Quin and the others around the world this story continues. I can't wait to share it!

Alyssa: That’s it from me! Thank you for your time, and best of luck with the books (and the movie)!

Arwen: Thank you so much for hosting me!

About the Author:

Arwen Elys Dayton spends months doing research for her stories. Her explorations have taken her around the world to places like the Great Pyramid (which she explored by a single fading flashlight when researching Resurrection), Hong Kong and its many islands, and lots of ruined castles in Scotland. She enjoys creating complete worlds inhabited by characters who charm, frustrate or inspire.

Arwen lives with her husband and their three children on the West Coast of the United States. You can follow her @arwenelysdayton on Twitter and Instagram.

About the Book:

Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton
Book One of the Seeker series
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: February 10, 2015

Official Summary:

For readers of A Game of Thrones and The Hunger Games comes an epic new series.

The night Quin Kincaid takes her Oath, she will become what she has trained to be her entire life. She will become a Seeker. This is her legacy, and it is an honor. As a Seeker, Quin will fight beside her two closest companions, Shinobu and John, to protect the weak and the wronged. Together they will stand for light in a shadowy world. And she'll be with the boy she loves--who's also her best friend.

But the night Quin takes her Oath, everything changes. Being a Seeker is not what she thought. Her family is not what she thought. Even the boy she loves is not who she thought.

And now it's too late to walk away.

The Giveaway:

5 winners will receive finished copies of SEEKER, US only.

Check out the other posts on February 10th!

2/10/2015- Once Upon A Twilight- Review
2/10/2015- Reading YA Rocks- Guest Post
2/10/2015- The Eater of Books!- Interview

And be sure to follow the rest of the tour HERE!


  1. This looks like a new series I could seriously get into. I've been in a reading slump, so I am pretty excited for something new. :)

  2. Great post Alyssa :D I like your interview. <3 Thank you for sharing this post sweetie :D I don't think this is a book for me :p but I do think the cover is all kinds of stunning :)

  3. What a great interview and I'm a serious fan of LOTR, as well. I have toys, playing cards, calendars and all the glasses from Burger King when the 1st movie came out. Your parents had great taste! What a thrill to travel all over the world to research for your books, and I certainly appreciated learning more about you!

  4. What a fantastic interview, Alyssa! I had suspected Arwen was named after Arwen Undomiel! And frankly is an amazing name, and whoever gave her a hard time must have been bloody stupid!

  5. The interview was fun to read, the book itself seems super interesting. I know they say don't judge a book by its cover...but, the cover looks so amazing! I just know the book will be greater, that I know.


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