
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog Tour Guest Post with Megan Miranda, Author of Soulprint (and GIVEAWAY!)

Welcome to the Soulprint blog tour! I enjoyed this book - read my review HERE - and I hope you all will give it a chance! In this post, read about Megan Miranda's thoughts on reincarnation in the Soulprint world!

Meet Megan!

If you lived in a world with Soulprint technology, what would you want your soul to be reincarnated as?

So many possibilities! But seeing as I’m writing this in the lobby of a building where my daughter is taking gymnastics lessons, I’m going to say… In my next life, I would love for my soul to belong to a professional athlete. 

A little backstory: I grew up with two very athletic parents. They met and bonded over their mutual love for sports. I, in turn, grew up loving sports. As a child, I have memories of sitting on the bleachers at a softball game, watching my mom sliding into home plate after hitting an inside-the-park-homerun (she broke her wrist (but she was called safe)). On Sundays, I’d drive with my dad to his soccer games, where occasionally I’d fill in as a linesman if the refs were short a person.
But in an unexpected twist of fate (unexpected to my parents, anyway), despite all the potential genetics working in my favor, I have zero hand-eye coordination. I’m also pretty klutzy. I will also throw my hands up over my head and screech if anything is thrown in my general direction. So, you know. Not so much athleticism going on over here.

A brief story that best summarizes my attempts at athletic pursuits: My mom tries to teach me to catch a ball. “Put the glove in front of your face,” she says. I don’t. My brain says, There’s a baseball flying at your face. Put your hand up. My hand does not move. I get a black eye.

But man, do I love watching sports. And I can’t help but think how awesome that would be to do as a job. So, next life: Professional athlete, please and thank you.

Ah, but here’s another unexpected twist of fate: that athletic gene I’m missing? Apparently it skipped me and went straight to my daughter. I’m constantly amazed by how easily she picks up new things. At least I can live a little vicariously now. 

But if my soul gets a Round 2, I wouldn’t mind experiencing a little of that myself.

About the Author:

MEGAN MIRANDA is the acclaimed author of Fracture, Vengeance, and Hysteria. She spends a great deal of time thinking about the “why” and “how” of things, which leads her to get carried away daydreaming about the “what-ifs.” She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children.

Visit Megan online at and on Twitter at @MeganLMiranda.

About the Book:

Soulprint by Megan Miranda
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Publication Date: February 3, 2015

Summary (from Goodreads):

A new literary, sci-fi thriller from acclaimed author Megan Miranda.

With the science of soul-fingerprinting a reality, Alina Chase has spent her entire life imprisoned for the crimes her past-self committed. In an attempt to clear her name, Alina unintentionally trades one prison for another when she escapes, aided by a group of teens whose intentions and motivations are a mystery to her. As she gets to know one of the boys, sparks fly, and Alina believes she may finally be able to trust someone. But when she uncovers clues left behind from her past life that only she can decipher, secrets begin to unravel. Alina must figure out whether she’s more than the soul she inherited, or if she’s fated to repeat the past. 

This compelling story will leave readers wondering if this fictional world could become a reality.

The Giveaway:

This is a US only giveaway for 1 hardcover copy of Soulprint. Must be 13 years or older to enter!

Follow the rest of the blog tour!

February 2nd - The Artsy Reader Girl 
February 3rd - Nose Graze
February 4th - Effortlessly Reading 
February 5th - Andi ABCs 
February 6th - What Sarah Read 
February 9th - Across the Words 
February 10th - Great Imaginations 
February 11th - The Eater of Books 
February 12th - Step Into Fiction 
February 13th - Dana Square 


  1. I really enjoyed this book! I wasn't sure I would and then I just got really into it!

  2. Yay :D Great post Alyssa. <3 I adored this book. Sigh. And I love this guest post :) Thank you both so much for sharing. <3 I hope so many will read and love this book too. It's special :)

  3. I've always been intrigued by reincarnation and I think it would be interesting to learn who you I was in a past life. This story sounds fascinating!

  4. This was a great guest post! It seems so curious that from people that love sports and are good at them she didn't get any of the genes properly!

  5. I read this book not too long ago and it was awesome!! All those books I've read so far by Megan Miranda I've loved!

    What a fun guest post! I, too, am not very coordinated for sports, LOL

    Liliana @ Lili Lost in a Book

  6. I've heard great things about this one and I know you loved it too. Thanks for the giveaway :)


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Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!