
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday (#102): Rook by Sharon Cameron

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, I'm featuring:

Rook by Sharon Cameron
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: April 28, 2015

Summary (from Goodreads):

History has a way of repeating itself. In the Sunken City that was once Paris, all who oppose the new revolution are being put to the blade. Except for those who disappear from their prison cells, a red-tipped rook feather left in their place. Is the mysterious Red Rook a savior of the innocent or a criminal?

Meanwhile, across the sea in the Commonwealth, Sophia Bellamy's arranged marriage to the wealthy René Hasard is the last chance to save her family from ruin. But when the search for the Red Rook comes straight to her doorstep, Sophia discovers that her fiancé is not all he seems. Which is only fair, because neither is she. 

As the Red Rook grows bolder and the stakes grow higher, Sophia and René find themselves locked in a tantalizing game of cat and mouse. 

Daring intrigue, delicious romance, and spine-tingling suspense fill the pages of this extraordinary tale from award-winning author Sharon Cameron.

I loved Cameron's debut duology - The Dark Unwinding and A Spark Unseen!


  1. I still need to read the previous duology by this author, but this one also sounds fantastic!! It's on my wish list!
    Great pick Alyssa!

    1. It was amazing! If you liked A Mad, Wicked Folly (which you did), then you'll love The Dark Unwinding/A Spark Unseen! :)

    2. I had them on my challenge for series this year but I failed! =(

    3. Awww! Don't feel bad, there is always the future ;D

  2. OOh nice! Been seeing this one around a bit lately! Love the cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I knew I recognised the authors name! I haven't read The Dark Unwinding yet (though it's on my TBR) but was thinking why does that sound so familiar? aha! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. It's really great, Kirsty! I highly recommend the duology :D

  4. I'm excited about this book too :D It sounds pretty awesome. <3 Okay, I really love that cover. Gorgeous. I hope it will be amazing :) Great pick Alyssa. <3

  5. Rook looks really interesting!
    here's our WOW

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  6. This one sounds really awesome & amazing. I really like the blurb. Excellent WOW pick.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  7. Great choice! This is one of my top ten "can't wait" books. I haven't read her first series, but I have heard it's really good:-)

  8. Sounds intriguing. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week! My WOW

  9. new to me but sounds good -- hope that you get a chance to read it soon. Happy hUMp day.

  10. This sounds really mysterious and intriguing! Perfect for me! Thanks for showcasing it :)

  11. I think this one sounds soooooo good! Great pick!
    Check out my WOW

  12. Oooh, this book looks amazing! I haven't read anything by this author, but I'll try to check this one, soon!
    Great pick!

  13. I'm also super excited about this one. They had me at The Scarlet Pimpernel. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine

    Also, I still have my $30 giveaway going on.

  14. I hadn't heard of this before, but it sounds awesome! I hope you enjoy reading it.
    My WoW

  15. Hmm.. this has all the good stuff: Dystopia, Mystery, an unwilling couple... and the color red is hard to refuse. Putting this on my tbr, thank you very much! =)
    My WoW

  16. I cannot wait to read this one! Thank you for the excellent review. My calendar is officially marked. You might also enjoy Inventing Madness by J.G. Schwartz. The brilliance of Nikola Tesla is brought out, including his clandestine relationship with Thomas Edison. Their collaboration results in an amazing invention that was shocking..

  17. I am very excited for this book too! Fingers crossed we love it! Thanks for sharing, Alyssa. :)

    1. YAY! I'm glad to hear that! Thank you, Danielle :D


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