
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday (#97): The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, I'm featuring:

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows
Book One of The Orphan Queen series
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Publication Date: March 10, 2015

Summary (from Goodreads):

Wilhelmina has a hundred identities.

She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne.

She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone.

She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others

Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.

I didn't like Incarnate, but I'm all about this epic fantasy! I have the sampler, but samplers are so annoying... I want the real deal! :D


  1. Gosh, I'm putting this on my TBR and Amazon fantasy wish list right away!! I LOVE the sound of this!! So nice and complex! So exciting and intriguing!! And, of course, I want it NOW. Lol.

    Great pick, Alyssa!! Hope you enjoy it when it's released. I know I will. Thanks for putting on my book radar, which runs 24/7!!! : )

    1. YAY! I'm glad to hear that! Thank you so much, Maria ^_^

  2. I'm not familiar with this author but this book sounds great. Love the cover. Very captivating.

    Hope you're having an awesome week, Alyssa.

    My WoW @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  3. This book is in my TBR pile but i'm still not sure to read it or not ,, i did not like her previews series so much thought the author has a good writing style :)

    nice pick !!

    check my WOW here:

    1. I think this series will be different! If you read the book, I hope you enjoy it!

  4. YAAAASSSSSSS!!!! I did this one a few weeks back. I cannot wait for it. I want it yesterday! I was so bummed when it was only a sampler on Edelweiss (I don't do samplers anymore). I know we'll all enjoy this one for sure! Great pick! My WOW

    1. Right!? Samplers are a letdown... I need more!

  5. Nice! Been seeing a lot of buzz over this one! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. OH YESSS!! I read the sampler and loved it, I'm so keeping my fingers crossed so I can win an ARC on the anywhere-but-US contest that Jodi has in her blog!!

    Fantastic pick Alyssa!

  7. Yes please! I'm excited for this new series by Jodi Meadows as well. I enjoyed Incarnate, so I'm very curious about The Orphan Queen :)

    1. Awesomeeee! Hopefully this book will be amazing!

  8. I'm definitely excited to read this one. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine

  9. OMG YAY, we picked the same book this week :D I still need to check out her Newsoul series myself, but like you I am all for this fantasy offering! It sounds truly brilliant! GREAT pick, hopefully you'll get your hands on the real deal soon - I agree, samplers suck.

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

    1. YAY! We are WoW twins! I hope the same for you, Micheline!

  10. Yeah, I didn't like Incarnate all that much either, but so excited for this! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  11. I never read the Incarnate series but this one sounds super good! Can't wait for it to come out :) Thanks for sharing.

    My WoW
    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

  12. Ooh I love the sound of this! I really hope it's as awesome as it sounds :D Plus, the cover is beautiful, so that's a bonus! Thanks for sharing, hope you love it!

    My WoW

  13. I'm right there with you about sample books. They are never enough and leave you even more frustrated than if you didn't get the book at all. lol! I haven't read Meadows books either, but this one sounds fascinating! What is it about books with Queen in the title? There are so many I want to get my hands on!! Great pick, thanks for sharing!

    This week I'm WoW-ing Princess of Thorns!

    1. Queens, princesses, princes, kings... those are the good ones ;D

  14. Amen to that! You know I love fantasy, so I will be waiting for this one too :)

  15. I haven't read anything by this author before. I hope you enjoy reading this one.
    My WoW

  16. Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of Incarnate either, but the Orphan Queen sounds really good so I'm looking forward to reading it!
    Ariel @ Bookish Confessions

  17. I am waiting foe this one too :)

    Here's mine:

  18. Shame that you didn't like Incarnate! I did ;) Haha, much looking forward to this book, hopefully you will like it ^_^

    Thanks for stopping by
    - Sam @ Falling Books

  19. Eeek, I want this one so badly. <3 I have the teaser too, but I don't want to read the teaser :p I need ALL of it :D Hoping we will both love it. <3 great pick Alyssa :)


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