
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday (#100): Empire of Night by Kelley Armstrong

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, I'm featuring:

Empire of Night by Kelley Armstrong
Book Two of the Age of Legends series
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: April 7, 2015

Summary (from Goodreads):

Sisters Moria and Ashyn are the Keeper and Seeker of Edgewood. Or at least, they were.

Their village is gone. Their friends have betrayed them. And now, the emperor has sent them on a mission to rescue the children of Edgewood—accompanied by Prince Tyrus and a small band of imperial warriors. But the journey proves more perilous than they could have imagined. With treachery and unrest mounting in the empire, Moria and Ashyn will have to draw on all their influence and power to overcome deadly enemies—not all of them human—and even avert an all-out war.

Sea of Shadows was one of my favorite novels of 2014! Fantasy is awesome :D

Also - 100 Waiting on Wednesday posts!! I'm going to do a post on how many books I've read, of the 100 that I have featured. Yes.


  1. I'm not familiar with this series but it does sound interesting. Glad you enjoyed the first book. Hope the second one lives up to your expectations.

    Happy Midweek!

    My WoW @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. YES! So can't wait for this one! I'm always waiting on a Kelley Armstrong book!! Great pick!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Oh yeah, you're are hitting the hundreds in WoW too! That post of which ones you've read of all the ones you've featured is a great idea Alyssa!

    And I'm also dying to get my hands on this book!! Cannot wait to continue reading about Moria and Ashyn!!

    1. Yeeaaahhh!! I'm pretty excited. I'll do the post at the end of the year, when I have time, but I'll only do it for the 100 posts.

      I hope you love this one when you read it, Pili!

  4. I haven't started this series, but I do love Kelly Armstrong. And I love that cover! Great minds must be thinking alike, because I am also going back over this year's Wow posts to see how many I've read. Should be fun:-)

    1. This series is the only Armstrong series that I've really enjoyed... I'm hoping it's good. And YES! Hope you have fun doing so!

  5. great cover and sounds good. Hope you get a chance to read it soon and happy thanksgiving!

  6. I haven't read any Armstrong. I hear good things. I do have a few of her books. I really need to get to them. I hope you enjoy this one. Nice pick. My WOW

    1. This series in particular is great - her other ones, eh. I wasn't a huge fan of her Darkest Powers series.

      Thank you!

  7. This is one I'm very excited for as well. The first one, Sea of Shadows, was the first book I read by her and it was a very unique read! Great choice!
    Check out my WOW

  8. I really enjoyed the first one! Yay for a second
    My WOW
    Empire of Night by Kelley Armstrong

  9. This series is new to me! I love the cover, I will definitely check out the first book :D

    My WoW

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  10. Congrats on 100 WoW posts Alyssa!
    And yes, I remember you loving Sea of Shadows and me saying I really have to read it... and I still haven't... I really should though! Lol
    Hope you enjoy Empire of Night when you get to read the book!

    Anatea @ Anatea's Bookshelf

    1. Thank you very much! And OMG you definitely should check out Sea of Shadows... it was amazing!

  11. I haven't heard of this series but I does seem intriguing...thanks for sharing :)
    My WoW
    Naomi @The Perks Of Being A Bookworm

  12. I can't wait either!! I really enjoyed Sea of Shadows and I hope this one is just as good ;)

    1. AWESOME!! So happy to hear that, Liza! Cross your fingers :D

  13. Okay, I am definitely excited for your post about which of the 100 WoWs you have read! That is kind of the best idea ever. As for this book, I haven't read the first yet, but I have been hearing good things, so I will probably need to read it soon. Hope you enjoy this one!!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon! I'll probably do it at that end of the year :) And I hope so too - thank you!

  14. I haven't read Sea of Shadows yet, BUT I did love some other books by Armstrong, so I'm interested. :) And your 100th WoW post idea seems awesome--I'll look forward to it! :)

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

    1. That's great, Aimee! I think this is might be one her best series ^_^ Thank you!!

  15. Congratulations on your 100th WoW post! I've always wanted to see how many of my WoW picks I've actually read. It should be a high percentage because I usually feature books that I have for review.

    I haven't read anything by this author before. I hope you enjoy reading this one. Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

    1. Thank you so much! I think I'll do the post towards the end of the year. I never choose books I already have.

      Thank you!

  16. I've never heard of this series but it looks rather intriguing! I might have to pick it up soon!

    Happy reading :)
    Maddie @ The Girly Geek

  17. Whoo, 100th WoW! :D I couldn't get through the first book (I am planning on going back to it at some point, just wasn't in the mood for it I guess) but glad you loved it! :)


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