
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Best Historical Romance Novels of 2013

The Top Ten of 2013 event is hosted by Jaime from Two Chicks on Books, Rachel from Fiktshun, and Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads!

Today, I'm sharing my top ten best historical romance novels of 2013!

(in no particular order, except for the last one)

(also, the pictures link to Goodreads)




And my favorite historical romance novel of 2013 is...

(honestly, I wanted to put all six novels of this series in this post, because I read and LOVED all six novels this year. However, that's six of ten spots already gone! So, I just stuck with this one.)


  1. Oo! Interesting selection, Alyssa! So what would you say is you favorite Historical Romance time period?

    Kelsey @ Ketch's Book Nook

    1. Edwardian, perhaps. Victorian England is nice too!

  2. This is to be my favorite genre and now I hardly have time to read it. I do love Hoyt so I think I will give this series a try :)

    1. Ooo, Elizabeth, I know what you mean! I hope you do read the Maiden Lane series :D

  3. Interesting choice indeed! I don't think I've read much historical fiction and probably no historical romance, so I guess that this is great post to see where to start! ;)

    1. I love historical fiction, and historical romance novels are basically the only adult novels I read. Almost. That's nice of you to say, Pili! :)

  4. So glad to see you enjoyed the Maiden Lane series. Ms. Hoyt is amazing, isn't she? I also liked The Wicked Wallflower and Any Duchess Will Do. I'll have to check out the others soon.

    1. That she is! My favorite historical romance author. And I hope you do!

  5. You know who has never read a historical romance? ME! I think the covers scare me. Is that bad? BUT, I am friends with Elizabeth Hoyt on Goodreads because we have the same last name and she lives an hour away from me. What's your favorite book of hers? I'll try it! :)

    1. LOL that's so funny. The covers scare me sometimes too. Same with some of the more... graphic content. I LOVE Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series, but book six (Duke of Midnight) is my favorite :D

  6. The only one of those i have read is the last ! Elizabeth Hoyt's Duke of Midnight

  7. My mum and I have between us devoured 5 of your selection... now busy tacking down the rest xxx
    @kohsamuirosie on twitter

  8. Of these, I’ve only gotten to read “The Wicked Wallflower” and found it to be delightful. All of the others are only my TBR List which is never ending....

    You do know don’t you that true happiness is a never ending pile of books to read. :-)

    1. I'm glad you liked it! And LOL I totally agree - my TBR pile is bottom less.

  9. I read 4 of these but will certainly be on the look out for more of them to read on my new Kindle!

  10. I love historicals and I would love to read all of these!


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