
Friday, June 28, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday (#25)

The Feature & Follow is a creative meme that allows bloggers to get to know each other, and gain more followers! It is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

If you would like, it would be great if you followed me via Email, Linky, Bloglovin, or Google+ (all on the right). I have no idea what's going on with GFC, so I'd prefer you follow me in a new manner. Let me know in the comments if you did, leave a link to your blog, and I will comment and follow back! I always do, I promise! Thank you!

Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc? 

Ah, this question. It's a complex question! Some people get really riled up at the thought of ebooks. Or people roll with the times and jump on that bandwagon.

Here's my thing: I love hardcover and paperback copies of books. Those will ALWAYS be the formats I covet, will always be worth more sentimentally (and financially) than ebooks. There's nothing like holding a book in your hands and reading. I never thought I would start reading in the ebook format.

But I love ebooks. They save space. Most of the time, they're cheaper. They're also more environmentally friendly (less paper, less ink, less water for the paper). I got my Kindle in January 2011. At the time, and up until February 2013, I still read more print books than ebooks. 

What changed? I signed up for NetGalley and Edelweiss is February 2013. Suddenly, all those eARCs that I requested and were approved for started piling up and needed to be read. So, in the past months, I've been reading more books in ebook format than in hardcover/paperback format. 

And really recently, I've been getting a few print ARCs here and there. I can't really remember the last time I bought a print copy of a book, because I have been SWAMPED in eARCs and print ARCs.

Do I still love hardcover/paperback books? Heck yeah. Will I continue buying hardcover/paperback books? Heck yeah. Will I read books in ebook format? Of course!

Basically, I love print books, but I also love ebooks. And there is nothing wrong with that.

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  1. Hopping through. I'm similar. I love paper books, but galleys got me more into ebooks. Now I read all formats.
    My Hop

  2. I agree with you. I will probably always prefer paperbacks, but after recently getting an e-reader it has made reading e-books a lot easier. And e-books are often cheaper, and I'll get the book instantly when I buy it - and not have to wait about a week before I get it in the mail.
    Btw love your blog name :D

    New follower!

    Christina @ Book Lover Recommends

    1. I love the instant gratification as well ^_^

  3. Yeah I love Netgalley! Edelweiss, ehh, they don't approve me a lot for the titles I want and I rarely request. I felt like Netgalley was more user friendly too. That's why I love my kindle for getting those earcs.

    Still prefer my real books though!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I actually find Edelweiss highly use-friendly!

  4. Yeah, I love my hardbacks. Especially if the book was amazing. Then it gets a special spot on the shelf with the other favorites. Sad how I do that...

    But I hear you on the eBooks thing. I didn't get an eReader until late last year and I'm really enjoying the instant gratification of downloading books. My bank account...not so much :)

    1. RIGHT!? Although, all of my shelves are currently filled. And eReaders will do that to you... :D

  5. I started reading more ebooks the past couple months as well because of netgalley.

    New follower :)

    Tina @

  6. I'm the same, I read a little bit of everything:) I'm an old GFC follower but I just followed you with bloglovin as well! Happy Friday!
    K @ My Favorite Escape

  7. I am SO a book hoarder, Mei, and I feel no shame :D

  8. I totally agree! I love physical copies, but ebooks are just so convenient, especially with NG and EW!

    New Bloglovin' follower :)

    ~ Nikki @ There were books involved...

  9. I love both formats.

    Thanks for hopping by my blog. Following back via bloglovin and linky.

    Have a good weekend.

  10. I read more ebooks than anything now and I'm totally addicted to 1-click! To the point I may need therapy lol.

    Thank for stopping by my FF.

    Linsey @

    1. Ohhh, the 1-click buying... makes everything SO easy :D

  11. Really good answer! I am so loyal to print books as well that I'll never give them up. But netgalley... geez you got me! The amount of eARCs they have available... it's like a dream! Lol! Old follower via bloglovin' and GFC!
    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

    1. Right?! eARCs are awesome but they also stress me out. Thanks!

  12. Great answer!And that thing with NetGalley is so true.I started reading more e-books because of NG.I love physical copies but that doesn't mean I don't read ebooks!!I agree that it is convenient but...what can I say.I love my paperbacks!
    New Follower via bloglovin!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

  13. Thanks for visiting!
    Old follower :)

  14. There is nothing wrong with loving both. I love any format that allows me to read, but there's something about a physical book - the smell, the feel - that I adore and will always come back to.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF.

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

    1. I agree! And OMG the SMELL... I should have mentioned that :D

  15. I will agree that the past free months, with eArcs, my reading is more balanced kindle vs physical.
    Follower via Bloglovin and GFC.
    Here is my FF.

  16. Alyssa my sentiments exactly. I've started on my book buying ban for printed copies anyway as I've got a whole bookshelf of TBRs so I've decided I'll purchase the ebooks read it and if I absolutely LOVE it or if I liked it but it's a series I will then purchase the printed copies, this will save me money and time and of course the environment!

    My Friday Meme

    1. YAY! so glad you and I see things the same way :D

  17. I just love books in general. :)

    New follower via bloglovin'. :)

    Bettering Me Up


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Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!