
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (#9)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, February 17th to Friday, February 22nd?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:
Gifted (on Kindle):
Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)
From NetGalley:

That Time I Joined the Circus

Insomnia (The Night Walkers, #1)
From Edelweiss:


Transparent by Natalie Whipple

Well, I caved and made myself an Edelweiss account this week, and look what it got me! This week has been MUCH better for me :)
I won't be around on Saturday (which, if you are reading this now, should be today - I'm scheduling this post for Saturday, but it's currently Thursday). I'm visiting a college! It's actually to be eligible for an amazing scholarship and program. I've been accepted into the college itself, and I've already made it through the application process of the scholarship, but I need to stay a weekend at the college.
SO! I'll be back on Saturday night to respond to all of your comments, and check out your posts! I PROMISE!

So, what did you get this week? :)


  1. Wow! What a haul!! I truly loved Alice in Zombieland! Hope you do too! The rest are new to me but I hope you love them too!

    My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Oh, that's great! I've heard good and bad things about Alice in Zonbieland, but I am excited to read it! :D

      I definitely will, Jessica! :)

  2. Born of Illusion looks great, so does Rush and The Ward! Hope you enjoy them :)

  3. I am looking forward to the ruining. Hope you have success visiting colleges and find the one you love.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  4. Just got my copy of Till The World Ends. Can't wait to start it.

  5. I got my paperback copy of Fallen Too Far, Beautiful Bastard, Jilted by Rachael Johns, and a whole bunch of e-books.

    I don't know when I'm going to read them. My to be read list keeps growing quicker than I can read them!

    1. Ahhh, such a great week! I am going to the library and finding Beautiful Bastard :D

      I think I'm going to have to create time lol... things ahve been insanely busy on my end. But reading I will do! :)

  6. OMG OMG OMG! THOSE are SERIOUS AWESOMENESS going on in your week! Gah! SO JEALOUS. Lol. Awesome haul and enjoy your reads! :D

    Here's my Showcase Sunday

    1. THANKS! I used to go around bloggers' STS posts, and think, I am never going to get any books like they get! But I'm glad I'm finally getting some :)

      Thank you!

  7. Wow, awesome haul. I haven't checked out Edelweiss before, will be now though. I have Alice in Zombieland on my TBR list, will have to get to it soon. I really want The Boyfriend App, it sounds like a fun read. Thanks for sharing and have fun at college.

    Katie ~ My Mailbox

    1. Edelweiss has made my week lol. I'm so glad that I signed up for it. And I agree - The Boyfriend App is definitely one for me to read ASAP :D

      Thank you, Katie - I totally did! :)

  8. Awesome haul this week. I have registered for Edelweiss but must check it out some more. I love the cover for Alice in Zombieland. Have a great week!

  9. Ooh, ooh lots of good stuff this week! Edelweiss is really an absurdly great thing. Between it and Netgalley we can get so much! :)

    I hope you enjoy the books! And good luck with your college! :)

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

    1. Edelweiss is awesome - especially since it's my first week with them! NetGalley has been pretty great too.

      Thank you! And I really did ^_^

  10. Great haul.

    I picked up a copy of Alice In Zombieland yesterday and I'm looking forward to reading it.

    I'm also looking forward to getting Transparent and That Time I Joined The Circus.

    Hope that you enjoy your reads.

    Please check out my haul at

    1. That is so cool! We should read it simultaneiously :D

      I hope you get those two soon! Enjoy your week as well :)

  11. WOOT yay for Edelweiss! I love it so much; although it took me a while for them to warm up to me lol. (400 followers to be exact!)

    But you have an amazing haul! Except Alice in Zombieland. DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT BOOK I REFUSE TO READ IT/TALK ABOUT IT EVEN THOUGH I AM RIGHT NOW.


    1. LOL

      Okay, so you are on the Splinterd boat? I'll read that one first :D

  12. Hey Alyssa! Just curious, but for your Edelweiss requests, what specific info. about your blog did you put in?

    1. I am emailing you right now :)

    2. OMG! How long ago was this!!!! LOL! And what the heck! Why didn't I comment on what you got this week? Clearly, I was a newb and fail. I'll do it now! HAHAH! I still have to read Alice in Zombieland, but I have it! And I enjoyed Transparent as well as That Time I Joined the Circus (despite its mixed reviews!) LOL. <3 you so hard girl!

  13. I can't even put in words how amazing I think this haul is!! Hope you have had a chance to enjoy them all!!


I love comments! I will always try and reply to your comments, as well as leave some comment love on your blog! :)

Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!