
Friday, February 8, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday (#5)

The Feature & Follow is a creative meme that allows bloggers to get to know each other, and gain more followers! It is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

If you would like, it would be great if you followed me via Email, GFC, or Linky (all on the right). Let me know in the comments if you did, leave a link to your blog, and I will comment and follow back! I always do, I promise! Thank you so much!
Q: Happy Mardi Gras! If they were throwing the HOTTEST books off of a Mardi Gras float -- what would you do to have them throw to you…?
*Clears throat*
Let me read that again.
Well, I've seen how insane bloggers go for books, at BEA, ALA, and so on. And #TeaTime, or #ARCParty, with Audrey and Margot at Epic Reads?! I don't even bother anymore. Some bloggers go crazy for that kind of thing, and have no restraint. It's like Black Friday shopping, only, I don't expect Black Friday shoppers to be nice and have some self-control. Bloggers? Different story. I DO expect self-control.  
And don't get me wrong. I'm not referring to EVERY blogger that goes to a wonderful convention, or participates in #TeaTime and/or #ARCParty. I'm just saying. We all KNOW who those people are.
My point is, they can go wild for ARCs and signed copies and whatever. But I'll just stay safe and try not to get killed.
And trust me. I'm from Baltimore. You know, the city whose team just won the Superbowl? You DID NOT SEE the madness that was downtown Baltimore, when the Ravens came back from New Orleans, for the city parade.
Neither did I, though. I stayed in school. Unlike a third of my school's population. 500 students were absent on Tuesday, whether at the parade or not.

(Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the Ravens. I've watched every game for years, supported them from McNair to Boller to Flacco the fantastic.)
But I digress.
So, what would you do? 
I'm not going to call you a crazy person if you would be one of those people grabbing at the books :) 


  1. I am so not bold enough to do anything crazy either!
    new gfc follower :)
    here's our FF

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  2. haha, i love your explanation. Some books just aren't worth it! Great answer :)

    Here's my FF!

  3. Hah, great answer! With me, it depends on the book - whether I want it too much or I can wait.

    New follower.
    My F&F.

  4. I'm willing to wait on the sidelines for books to come flying my way - no crazy stunts here either.

    Thanks for stopping by . . . happy to return the follow.

    Here's my Friday Follow.

  5. hey alyssa :)
    I endorse self control and staying safe so good for you lol.
    maybe you can snag one of the books that gets thrown to one of the crazy ones-- interception.
    thanks for stopping by today! new follower
    have a great weekend!


    PS I was cheering for the ravens :)

  6. Well I am like you as well!! Not so Bold :)
    No crazy stunts!!
    I like your strategy...
    New GFC follower
    Thanks for stopping by
    Ankita @ Booklok Coffee

    1. YAY for safe bloggers! I definitely vlalue my face more than books - though, obviously, I love books! Thank you :)

  7. I'm with you there. I'd stay out of the insanity, too.

    Old follower via GFC/linky.

    My FF

  8. Got to be in it to win it? But that would only be the case for my most anticipated reads of the year (e.g., Light by Michael Grant which I would actually go nude for).

    Thanks for flying by my FF and I'm following back :)

    1. LOL! I haven't read anything by Michael Grant. Must fix that! Thank you, Braiden! :)

  9. Yeah, I'm with you! I'd rather not get trampled!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I followed you back! (Sorry it took a while, been a busy past few days for me!) :)

    Lyra @ Defiantly Deviant


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Also, this an award and tag free blog. While I am flattered that you would think of me, I really do not have the time to follow up. Thank you!